13 / 23
Dec 2022

Why do they need to be Asian? Not all Asian people know how to draw Seinen, and not all Seinen artists are Asian

Hi, you might want to add a little detail like the artist's position: main or assistant, weekly or monthly release, and how many artists are in a team.

yo racist lol
those requirements are stupid

Please remain polite despite disagreeing with the OP, they didn't offend anyone.

(Sidestepping the big issue) You might want to be a little more specific with what you mean by seinen style given seinen has such a huge range of genres. That ranges from cute moe blob to more realistic side of stereotypical manga, and that's a big you know? You might want to be more specific on which style, given seinen is a target audience not a style. Also just, as a tip, more details in general. You get more responses to collab requests the more details you give in the post, not less.

I believe your pitch lacks a lot of information

  • Paid or unpaid? (Promises of payment in case of being popular, winning a contest or similar are not guarantors)
  • Do you have a portfolio? Previous works, documents, etc, anything so artists can see your abilities before applying
  • Genre/Category of the story? (What elements can be expected to be drawn, style, complexity, etc)
  • Do you have a small summary?
  • How many panels per page, how many pages per episode and how many chapters for the whole series?
  • If you're not offering payment, what can you offer that is of the interest of the artist to keep them motivated to work on the project and not quit for the sake of having better opportunities?

Why the requirement of the artists being Asian/Mostly Japanese? Is it because you want to aim to propose the series to an editorial from there? Do you need someone with that nationaly to properly represent the culture or history?

I believe that none of the information people are requesting need to be that secretive or handled solely on private, I believe that by providing clear information and a somewhat professional proposal you can filter down applicants and narrow down to what you're looking for.

As well, you've already made threads and people asked you for more but again, you seem to fail to avoid giving any proper detail for what you want

I perfer to talk privately to get better understanding, also when i see other people's post, you criticize on every post, like i said before, if your interested, contact me, and if not but you want to know why i have requirements, you can still contact, it's not difficult for you to just ask me privately, instead of trying to make a scene. This is why because people like you( No offense) do things like this and not simply contact me, so do you want to know why or not?

being upfront will ALWAYS get more people interested in your proposals than being incredibly vague

They're not trying to criticize. They're trying to help you get what you want by advising against you being a massive turn-off with your approach. There's a reason why some here "criticizing" you are successful comic artists. Best to heed such advice rather than turn your nose and shoot it down.

Ok so anwer my question, why is tye non Asian people here complaining about it while the Asian people are interested on the project?.because almost like a good 4 or 5 Asian artist came to my discord and was interested on the project. And he's a follow up question, If you didn't met my requirements, why are you here making a comment about it, i clearly told you if you want to know why contact me on discord, it's not even hard.

Dunno this whole thing and your final comment seems so shady Im at this point wondering if this isn't some scam.

Question if you have all these Asian artists (doubt it and honestly this kinda seems very fetishiy with how you talk about them), why are you asking on a primarily English speaking forum? shouldn't you be asking a place with primary geared towards Asian artists?

Honestly thou this seems so shady, no artists worth their salt would take a job like this with this little info other than a "Trust me bro dm me" unless they are very naive.

Reel back your ego dude if you actually want help.

Congratulations on assuming people's background based on the profile pics and languages simply because they're trying to give you advice on how to get better responses and better artists. Perhaps some of us do meet you "requirements" but you coming off as both shady and conceited and unwilling to listen to advice, simply assuming we're all criticising you, makes us unwilling to waste time contacting you for more details (why do artists, who're in higher demand than writers, want to waste time contacting someone who might reject them based on vague requirements when there are dozens of up front posts?). A lot of us have been around these forums for a long time and are trying to advise you on how to make better connections for better results. Trust us, the amount of collab posts like these that end in successful long term projects vs properly thought out up front collab requests that end well speaks for itself. By acting the way you are, you're lowering your chances of making a good professional impression and isolating yourself from a community who can offer you support and help, and are often primary readers (yeah, the forums are also readers, and often the early adopters of projects who help get the ball rolling, don't isolate yourself from that).

Pro tip: if you really don't want to listen to people's advice or just think it's unwanted criticism, say "thank you for the advice" then ignore it and move on, it makes you look a lot better than dragging things out like this.

You know what, you just got me with that one. I don't consider you a racist for wanting an Asian artist on the project, but I will have to ask, as a technically Asian person.
This is Asia.

Would you be fine with Kazakh artist? Indonesian artist? Russian artist? What about people who lived in Asian countries? What about Asians who were born in other countries? Do you want them to know about details of living in the particular country or you don't care? This is the first thought that strike my mind.

And while yes, I clearly saw you stating you will only discuss this over discord, I won't want to go by myself and ask someone who wrote nothing about their work or credentials if I fall under the right requirements, because you don't even state the proper requirements and it doesn't look professional.
Also seinen is not an art style :ok_hand:

No, thank you, I honestly don't really care. Good luck in your future endeavors :ok_hand:

How are you going to check if the artist is Asian and is this paid?

29 days later

closed Jan 18, '23

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