18 / 26
Aug 2021

I read your comic! Here are my thoughts:

  1. I like the narrative of this story, I find it quite interesting

  2. I really liked the opening monologue, but as @16BitInk said, the text is a bit difficult to read

  3. I believe the art needs a little bit of work, but it will absolutely get better as you practice more and as you make more chapters

  4. I like the character design, I like that none of them look normal at all, they stand out quite well

  5. I think that the opening scene with the MC needs a little bit more background. You kind of just dropped it in there without warning

  6. Keep up the good work, I think you've got potential!

i can't draw for my own life so I was just giving my feedback. I understand how drawing and writing must be quite difficult!

I will check your out. Do check out my novel if you like.

@JustABurningMemory brought up a good point about needing more background for Percii. A nice and easy way to do it is to show their bedroom! That tells LOTS about a person. Is it cluttered or freakishly neat? Do they have posters on every wall?? Do they have a huge fish tank with exotic fish in there?? Are they a reader? Or a gamer? Or a mountain climber?? Tell us through their room!

Not at the moment, no :cry: I am working on one though! Should be done uhh. In the next couple months? :joy:

another question. Does anyone know where I can promote that isn't here? I've essentially burnt out everyone here, and my gains are plummeting :joy: it's selfish, but I wanna grow quick :sweat:

hi! can you check my comic too! dont forget to rate :smiley:D

I subbed, your comic has a really cool concept. Feel free to have a look at my novel if you're interested:

i was already subbed :ribbon:

Here's mine if anyone is interested

Hello! Thanks for the feedback (again) as you can see, I am now adding a chapter that will explain more about Percii!!! (Also, in the beginning part 2, check out his bedroom!

I'm am looking for more views and feed back to giggles
I look at your at mine please sub as well i sub yours