52 / 52
Nov 2022

Hi hi! No problem at all! I was so enthusiastic doing this piece! Your comic make me remember those old 80's & 90's games, like Space Invaders and Zombies Ate My Neighbours!, so I had to tie some of those ideas in the piece =D
I tried first doing a fake SNES game cover, but then I would have to paint the piece, and that would had been unfair to all others B&W fan arts, so I had to leave it as a normal illustration with the Space Invaders Arcade Machine.
And yeah! I went around your webcomic looking at all the aliens so I could add some of them in the best of their appeareances! I must say that they are all pretty unique! I don't know how you keep track of all of them!

Those tie ins with those games was such a great choice!! Totally fitting for Space Pack! I love how the illustration came out, and Space Invaders is one of my all time favorite arcade games, so the machine makes it extra great! It's awesome how you even got the individual alien designs straight from the comic, you really went the extra mile on this!! I appreciate it a TON!!!!!

Sharing the Promo Banner for "your ex-lover is dead" the entry that I'm working on with prosopopeya for the DeanCas BigBang

What is the DCBB? Is an annual challenge, a 20k fic + art, focused on the characters from the Supernatural series, Dean Winchester and the Angel Castiel.

All the info about our entry here!

I can't believe it! I am the first one! You deserve way more fan art! I gonna take into myself to do a couple more in the future, and suggest to third parties to make some also. Your series deserve it =D
Glad to hear that you liked it! Wasn't sure about the enviroment, but I took a leap for the fanart sake. Your boys were pretty fun to draw in my style! I tried to keep their characteristics mannerism or personalities on the drawing to the best of my abilities =D. I specially liked how Erwin is trying to prince over the machine to get refreshments, and Dante is talking his life away with no care in the world =D

Ahhhhh I also haven't checked the forums in a while but alekseiiiiii ;__; I love you sm <3333

haha! It uses to happen! But luckely you are here now and checked the messages =D
Happy to know that you liked your piece! I always will love to draw your characters! They are an incredible bunch!

14 days later

Fanart for @DanielRKM

Penny from Unstoppable Monkey Bunny

1 month later

closed Nov 19, '22

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