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Jan 2023

Hello! I'm TJB, Ive decided to open up a topic for the first time about my biblical webcomic to share and connect with any other christian creatives here.
So my comic is "Black Rose: The Epiphany of The Rose." Here's some cover art for the comic!

Now, I'm just sharing my experience in a short summary. I started with Black Rose as a videogame idea inspired the Bayonetta series. But after going through personal hardships, I wanted to do something more impactful. After reconnecting with the Word of God, I centered this comic around Faith and truth. With everything going on in the world, I had the urge to use my voice in some way to do good in this dark world, this was my chance. To do that through my art.

I do ask: Do any of you have the urge to do good with your art/talents? To inspire, impact, and guide others in this confusing/complex life?

Even if its in the smallest way, like making someone laugh or smile purely. I aim to do that too.

I am glad to say that since starting this series last year in early 2022, I have greatly improved since the first works I've published.

So don't worry about giving any criticisms you may have regarding the first chapters, because they most likely have solved itself. :heart:

Here's proof of time being the solution to most improvement:
Early 2022:

Jan 2023:

So to end this post, Is there any other Christian/Faith centered artists who feel similar or are on a similar path? I'd love to know, so we could talk more about these common things we share in our soul.

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    Jan '23
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    Feb '23
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Oh, I am here!!! I don't stop by Tapas Forums that much, but I'm glad I did. And this topic just posted an hour ago. I would've missed it! Thank you so much for being here posting this about Christian/Faith centered artists. My heart nods YES with you feeling similar to sharing that special message of hope, faith, and the Word of God...even to plant a seed!

My art and story is evolving too. I'll sub and check out what you've done. If you'd like to sub, comment, like, here is my story blurb and some art! "The Watchman" is on Tapas and Webtoons. Off to checking out your series!!! :smile:

Eh for me I kinda see this type of stuff as songwriting in a sense? Like in my story1, themes are Catholic.... but the focus is more on the characters and the decisions they make.

I wanna compare it to something like rap? The artists weave their beliefs in the lyrics, but the focus is usually on struggle. Meanwhile you got Christian rap and people just talking about how their music is God, God, God to the point where it ends up pushing people away (you NEVER wanna be like PureFlix).

I believe this is something all writers who happen to be of the christian faith should keep in mind when writing stories. Especially on sites on Tapas and Webtoon. ESPECIALLY Webtoon.

Anyway just giving other christian writers who use this forum a heads-up. Good luck on your stories y'all.

Thank you for replying! And your cover art is beautiful! :heart: I agree completely, it all about sowing seeds, whether it blooms soon or later. The message matters.:heart: I will be checking out your comic as well, thank you for taking a look at mine as well!

You're most welcome! Oh, and by the way, I've subscribed and am totally enjoying your unique and expressive artwork. Your story is encouraging and I love our heroine. She is truly a warrior of God! I haven't completed the story, but I find Alexander very beautiful in heart and soul and I truly hope to see him more in the story. Thank you, again, for your post!

Yes! just like singing a song or poetry. I also believe you should use your voice to the fullest. Some Christians wonder, Should I be passive and quiet to not offend others, or do I sing the truth and be unashamed? I've replied to a topic before on how to write religious without being 'preachy' or pushy.

Its suprising because when I read the bible, how its written by telling the accounts of people's lives and real situations is how I learned to address that issue of not being extreme or pushy. That's a self-righteous spirit that keeps others from the pure truth of God and I won't stand with that! So I just tell the story I have in a similar way the bible does, through the experience and account of people/characters.

This verse I found among many is what I look to for guidance regarding sharing the gospel:

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Don't give offence to the Jews or Gentiles or the Church of God. I, too, try to please everyone in everything I do. I don't just do what is best for me; I do what is best for others so that many may be saved." 1 Corinthians 10:31-33.

Just being kind, loving one another and knowing that we are all fragile humans under his grace will save us the trouble of pushing others away. :heart:

I am Christian and this is a really cool idea! I think it’ll be cool! I don’t really put my beliefs or anything explicitly Christian in my stories because I want my stories to be for everyone of all faiths and backgrounds. Whoever wants to read it I guess. My sequel to Cracking Eggs may have subtle Christian influences I’m basing it off of The Seven Deadly Sins for each character in the sequel. Won’t have anything specifically religious as it could alienate people.

My new story Elsie may include some church scenes as it is the 1890s and historical context religion was very emphasized and important. I won’t put any of my beliefs or force anything into it but Elsie would most likely be a Christian because of the time period she lived in.

It is indeed very bold of you and will be super cool!

Thank you so much! I've seen your comments and I'll reply soon! I've subbed to yours as well on webtoon and tapas. I also forgot to recommend my short comic that takes place before Epiphany of The Rose, which gives more background to Rose and how her situation began If you'd like to read it!

Hello! Im glad you are here. I definitely had the same feelings when first starting to publish my comic. I was stuck between sharing or not offending others. But when I got more familar with the scriptures addressing this such as 1 Corinthians 10:31-32., I've naturally learned how to share the gospel and important messages to the world without pushing others away like some 'preachers' do. At the end of the day, we should be unashamed of the faith but also love one another as ourselves and uplift each other!

I will check out your story as well, I love the topic of history tied with biblical themes. thank you for replying! :heart:

If you story is here, I would love to check it out! Will you put the link here if you can?
What @TJBsDreamscape said about sharing the scriptures (or even Christ) without scaring others away is what I'm in agreement with too.
However, we all are diverse, but as one we're strong. It's good to have you here and I'm wishing success for your story!

I will say I think you can be specifically religious while attracting people from different beliefs. Works like Lord of the Rings, Trigun, Ultraman, and Daredevil are very influential despite their philosophies being focused on one belief. It's just being stuck-up like PureFlix that everyone needs to be careful of. A lot of my friends are athiest, Buddhist, pagan, or agnostic for example but they find the Catholic themes to be the most fascinating aspects of my stories (although I put more emphasis on the characters just in case lol).

1 month later

closed Feb 25, '23

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