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Jun 2018

Hey, all!

So I'm doing a story arc here for my comic, POW! Right in the Nostalgia where a number of characters will be performing martial arts of various kinds, and I was wondering if anyone knows of a great site for poses to use as reference or anything.

I've used Google image search for some brief poses in the past, but this time I'm doing full scenes of fighting.


  • created

    Jun '18
  • last reply

    Jun '18
  • 4


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i've found out YouTube is arguably the best source for "natural" pose references.
make a Playlist and look up things like "martial art". Build up as big a library as you need and use it as a point of reference.

You'll find a lot of masters and martial art content in there. a lot of high quality videos too (tip: play videos at 0.25 Speed)

one channel i really like is Master Wong. Very skilled and VERY funny XD

or Senshi Stock

you might also wanna checkout Bodies in Motion

I don't often do fighting poses, but when I do, I go to Pinterest and search for sketches. There is a lot to choose from.