621 / 792
Aug 2021

Here are 2 of my first series! My goal is at least 3k subs and 5k ink
Celebrating my first 5 subs!!!

Hello there, everyone!
I'm here to shamelessly promote my latest novel xD It's written in a diary-entry format, which I know not many people are fond of, but I still hope y'all could check it out some time! :slight_smile:

Genre: Slice of Life/ Drama/ BL

Summary: 31-year-old French pastry chef, Ethan Jung, is battling early onset Alzheimer's. In a last ditch attempt to make amends before his illness progresses even further, he decides to go on an adventure to look for his first love and mentor, Alex Sokolov. But will he succeed with the little time he has left?

I just recently hit 500 views, 100 likes, and 50 subs on my series Flight Of the Blackbird! I'd be grateful if y'all could check it out and join Reiji!

hey guys this is my comic. If you are interested in paranormal stuff and fantasy this is the comic for you. Over here The very common stereotype about aliens being so unhumanlike is thrown over the roof and bring a new light of thinking about aliens in general. Please check out my comic and dont forget to rate also note that the art sucks in the first 3 chapters but I assure it gets a lot better from chapter 4 :smile:

If your interested in a grimdark story this then my book is the place to visit has all you could ever ask for okay maybe I'm just joking but yes my story is a story with a massive plot I have 64 chapters out that you can binge read

Hello So we finally did it guys, together we were able to reach 25 SUBS. Thank you so much. :slight_smile::blush:

Thank you for supporting me.

Just got to 100 subs. I recognise a few of my subscribers in this thread so I just wanted to give a shout out to all of you. Really appreciate the support from all of you guys :grin:.

Thanks a lot everyone.

I'm almost at 25 subs on my novel 'Broken Hearts'

Little summary if anyone is interested:

Nazar and Ante's lives are totally different. Different life style, different pasts and experiences. Their paths cross when Ante begins to work for Mr. Andrews where they are instantly drawn to each other. How someone so different than you could understand you so well? Together, they end up deciding to run away from their lives and explore the country looking for a fresh start.

But what do you do when your past comes back and that you have to fight your own demons and problems? Is friendship and love stronger than blood relationships?

Time will put them through many different hardships, from their past and current life, and they will have to resolve their unfinished businesses in order to live the life they always dreamed of.

Hi, this is Young Vigilants a free shonen that one day will be a milestone like Naruto and Dragon Ball. The story talk about superheroes in a world where powers are under law control. Our five guys are tryng to be heroes without following the statal official way, because they have no money. But the world in wich they live don't really likes their doing, so much things will appen, they'll fight both authorities O.O and villains

This is my work. I'm sure you'll love it as soon as you read it. If you like it, don't hesitate to subscribe. Thank

I'm back. Again. :sweat_smile: Rewriting Psetha and just published the first 4 episodes! You can find it here:

Just uploaded my 100th chapter!!!

Recently passed 200 subscribers and 500 likes! TY to everyone supporting me so far

ONE THOUSAND SUBS! AAAAAAAAAAAAA! :tapa_pop: :tapa_pop: :tapa_pop:

Thanks so much everyone for your support and community. It's been a lot of hard work, but I'm so happy to have hit this milestone. I hope all of you can hit your milestones too! :heart_03:

My comic got to 250 subscribers! Here's hoping I can keep this momentum going for more milestones in the future :two_hearts:

I've just reached 33 subs! I am so happy to have had that many people want to read more with my series! I hope someone here will also enjoy my series!

I've been changing my plans for how I want this to turn out and I have finally decided the ending (no where near it yet) and I can't wait to share my hard work with so many people. It has been such a great experience making this novel!

It's a fantasy action novel with hints of romcom!

My first novel that I posted on here just hit 100 subs :laughing:!! I know that might not seem like a lot for some but nevertheless I'm thrilled, and even better to add on I also hit 1k views today​:grin:
Needless to say I'm very happy and I want to thank on this forum that subbed, reviewed and read my novel!! Also if you've hit milestones (subs, views honestly whatever you view as a milestone) you'd like to celebrate feel free to do so below, let's celebrate together :blush: :tada:

I've got 151 subscribers (YAYYYY) but I would like to reach the 250 subscribers milestone... who wants to help...

My novel with short episodes, is a fantasy romance novel...
Here is my version of the Samson and Delilah story: they are immortals and meet now in our present time... It's also a friendship story... There are some LGBT couples (already a spoiler)...
Why read it? Well... switch off from your reality during your coffee break by reading an episode of my novel... :wink:
wish you all a nice week and Thank you for the opportunity...

I released my 20th episode today!