43 / 116
Mar 2022

Ooo, a mechanical heart with wires and tubes going into it (or maybe the red ones are veins), that's a very cool design! It just feels deep, and that's really good for a series cover! It exudes intrigue and makes me wanna get into the series and see what this is all about :flushed:

WOAH! It's beautiful!! I love how he has a halo around his head, it really makes him appear angelic, or maybe he IS an angel. He's certainly pretty enough, and even though he's in the background, he still dominates the cover, but the woman being in the foreground with her hair flowing around like that makes her appear just as dominant in the picture. That's some really lovely composition, my eyes aren't wandering any more than they should be! This is a fantastic series cover :3

Ooooo, it's really vibrant! I love pink and blue a lot, so you get a couple points for that. You really paid attention to your light sources too! Powers that make pretty glowing lights are my favorites, it's so flashy and stylish. And your characters all have different expressions and posture, it's good that you're able to infer something about them before reading, plus a character should never really be out of character. You're working with some really cool designs too :3

Aaaa thank you! I definitely share your love for glowy powers, getting to do those sorts of effects is lots of fun! :smiley:

nice. interesting title too :+1:

art style is almost like cubism, i dig it :blush:

Thank you Woolly. Your compliment had encouraged me to spend more time on creating my manga. I hope that one day people will have an interest in my project.

Thank you!!

Yours is really rough, but in that intentional cool sota way. It's my favorite kind of line work, it's just so grabbing. And the shading you've got going on here is great too! It really matches the style! Then the title just completes it. "Junkdog Kicks"... That's one sick sounding name. Love the graffiti lettering, that's always stylish as hell. Might just check it out :smirk_cat:

lmao thanks! im a little pushed on time right now bcoz of assessments, but ill check out yours as soon as i can! (unfortunately i haven't managed to get my comic's art to a consistently good level, but we'll get there eventually lol).

Oh yeah, consistent art is really hard to get going. I barely have that rn and it's taken me a long time to get to this point. It's not really something to worry about tho. You'll always be improving, so it's not gonna be super consistent either way and it's mostly only gonna be obvious to you since you're looking at it for hours on end. Just keep at it! :smirk_cat::+1:

Here's my novel

I just love seeing everybody's covers, I especially am enjoying the fonts (or handwriting) everyone uses! :green_heart: Today I have my novel cover for you, I am still in love with it haha :kissing_smiling_eyes:

THAT'S DOWNRIGHT GORGEOUS!!!! IT HAS LIKE.... ALL THE COLORS IN IT!!!! i LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:

Here's mine, recently updated the first chapter as well.

Thank you so much, omg!! :sparkling_heart: It means a lot hearing that as I feel it captured the MC so perfectly too jdfghjkfghkjfdhgg :sob: :revolving_hearts:

Sick as hell, dude! I think I should check yours out, I've been seeing it around and it seems fun. My first comic was made with stick figures, so I think it's really cool to see people pull it off. And it looks like you've got a mix of styles in there too, so I think I'd have a lot of fun reading it :3