It would really depend on what kind of tactics they would employ to defeat him. They could be direct and use some form of advance weaponry against him, but seeing his tolerance for pain, that may not work out well for them. They could try to implore some form of trap to get him and then finish him off. But I think in the end, the would actually be besties since they are totally nuts.
Just read your first few chapters to see how strong your mc is, mine (Eda) is a scientist girl who is extremely unathletic and has a calm behavior when faced with danger. So here is my answer:
Close combat with no object to use: Eda dies in a second.
Close combat with the right tools: Eda blows them up so both die? Your mc might survive maybe.
Distant range: Eda finds/makes a long range weapon, uses it then runs away. Both probably survive.
Planned: Eda might kill him by setting up an effective trap.
Verbal encounter: Eda might find an alternative solution for Dan instead of killing her.
Well, he certainly wouldn't be able to punch Kaguyo's head off due to space pirate durability and strength. He's vulnerable to electricity, but can still tank it and has only been knocked out for a couple seconds by it (he gets up 3 seconds later and is walking around like nothing happened after also falling a couple hundred feet into a cavern). And that was by someone who was capable of destroying a small city.
I'd say Kaguyo would have to go to his energy sword here and take advantage of dan fighting at a distance by closing the gap with his speed. But where he currently is in the story, he would have to end the fight quickly before he runs out of energy.
Yeah so here's how my guy would react. He'd probably try to talk his way out of it and not understand why your guy wants to fight in the first place, and run away if he can.
He can create fire and will perfect that skill down the line, so later on he'd probbaly use it to startle his attacker or keep them at a distance without injuring them too much and then run. Either way he'd find a way to run.
Step 1. Equip armor that could withstand a missile.
Step 2. Create giant eruption burning everything around him in a wall of flames.
Step 3. Profit.
Or if Kovreil wasn't trying to actually commit murder, he'd probably find a way to land a good, hard punch straight to the jaw. That's what he'd usually do to subdue someone -- charge, disarm, knockout. He's a general with ~15 years of training in magic, swordsmanship, and close combat every day so there are maybe two people in his world who could actually kill him.
(Follow this fire lit road if you'd like)
Well, everybody in my cast probably gets splattered since they don't really have any superpowers.
Except for Zane.
Zane's superpower is "Commence orbital bombardment".
Kinda depends really. Andrew isn't a physical fighter in his natural state, while Dan seems to be rather physically proficient. So I imagine Andrew trying to keep Dan at bay with flames while Dan would try and close the gap.
Andrew does have his partial overlord form in canon at the moment, which (if given opportunity) boost his physical proficiency (allowing him to use a single hand to block a giant seaserpent), which might very well put him on par with Dan, while keeping his former flame abilities. Which makes Andrew harder to combat at both medium range and close range at that point.
It depends on whether Dan can manage to close the gap between him and Andrew and finish him off before the latter manages to use his Overlord powers and transform.
Well, I see your character's behaviours and powers, and I can say that, in the actual time that I'm posting this message, there are a few characters in my cast that can be challenging for him if they really want to, some even can defeat him.
Let's start with Feith and Agnou
They're both magic users and each one has his own personal advantages, Feith can copy the knowledge and experience from others while Agnou can enhance the damage from his spells, with the right mindset each one of them can easily defeat him.
Then, we have Noone
He copies the powers of anyone around him, so the fight would be toe on toe, but he still a kid, so his mindset may be a problem at this moment.
The worse that you can do is fight against Irokah
If he wants to win, better to ignore this kid, he may be inexperienced, but his powers are extremely dangerous, so better to avoid any fight with him, he can't hurt your character if your character doesn't do anything against him, but if he hurts him, well, it may be the end of the world, or even the universe.
Now, Imelly
Your character may be fast, but she can teleport, levitate and manipulate crystals as shield and weapons, a fight against her won't be easy at all.
And as a character who can be match and even overpower him, is Rohe

Her powers allow her to alter biological structures, so she can heal herself or alter your character in any way or form, she may crush him like paper, she can weak his bones, she can even confuse him manipulating his emotions, she can do anything and keeping distance is not an option because she can stretch herself to reach your character even by surprise, All of this and more, if she is in killing mode.
And as Bonus, a Bioversal, the Reather

These creatures are extremely dangerous for the 90% of living beings on the planet, they can survive almost any attack no matter how hard the impact is, they can turn themself in any element to counter the enemy's powers, they can become intangible, they can turn their tentacles in drills, they can shoot lasers, predict teleporters next locations and speedsters routes and even eat souls if they realize their enemy is very resistant, they act quickly, once they discover what enemy's powers are, the battle is decided.