180 / 295
Feb 2022
19 days later

Read your comics, just wanted to say my protag, Naota, would gladly find an excuse to die again just so he can see what world he'll isekai to next. Bein' a stick figure is hard!

But that's not a satisfying answer, so I'll humor ya'.

If we're talkin' Naota from his original world, then Dan could kill him with one punch; ALTHOUGH one of Naota's biggest feats is that he has the brain of a Jojo protagonist. His greatest weapon is his environment... that and his harem which he's willing to hide behind should things get heated. And these girls love (or THINK they love) Naota so much that they'll fight like nobody's business. It's almost unnatural (and creepy).

Now what about him as a stick figure? Without spoiling my story, Dan would have an even difficult time laying a finger.

"Naota Nakaoka was just your typical harem hearthrob until his life was cut short. Now he's been reincarnated .... as a stick figure. How will he be able to rebuild his harem in a world where where anime tropes (and faces) don't exist??? Find out in That Stick Figure Isekai!!! Episodes every Friday!"

Well, depending on the threat. Junior would put up a fight. since he has the ability to use his magic energy as a dangerous weapon. If he feels that his life is truly threatened by this guy and has no way out he'll just start firing energy beams out his mouth in a panic since that is the most powerful way he can attack that doesn't threaten his life. (his throat is another story though XD). if all else fails. He'll basically blow up (called Energy Discharge) and hope he survives it.

I drew an example of this a couple years ago

if Dan was on the North Academy campus, he would most likely be jumped by everyone.(if they are not superhumans with powerful abilities AKA Magi. They are very tech savvy individuals that have built weapons that can use magic energy as ammo.)

Depends on what stage of the story my character fights yours. Assuming you mean when she's at her peak, she can produce weapons, shields, and other items at will with "material 0", which is the substance that makes up everything, and has more durability than anything else in the world. Given her prowess with this ability later on, I reckon she'd just be able to rain swords on you from above, and that alone would probably be enough to kill you-

this ability i havent actually fleshed out yet so i'm unsure XDD he has a range of how he can shoot it out so it depends how he fires it

about the amount of time it takes to exhale all the air out of your lungs. he is about a little above average in lung capacity. wait thats for the breath

in general. it depends on how long it would take to exhaust him. (cause his magic energy drains like regular energy)

If Dan can't manipulate space time he loses.
If he can't manipulate elements he loses.
If he can't cut through steel with his hands he loses.
If he can't paralyze someone by looking at them he loses.
If he can't throw a ball across a continent he loses.
If he has no formal martial arts or military training he loses.

My characters would eat him alive.


How do your characters manipulate space and time? What is the process behind it? Throwing a ball across a continent doesn't translate to combat feats. Your character can throw a good pitch, but how durable is your character? Can your character take a lot of damage and keep on fighting?

What elements are your characters able to manipulate?
Can you explain a bit more about your character's paralyzing ability? Does it work for everyone? Is the paralyzation permanent or is it based on how long the character's eyes are open? Well, a character can lack martial art and military training and still be able to beat someone that's highly trained. It all depends on the physicality of the martial artist. For example, Silver Fang is a highly trained martial artist while Saitama is untrained, but he will still get demolished due to the physical gap between him and Saitama aka one punch man. Also, the abilities you listed, do all the characters possess these abilities, or are the abilities based on specific individuals.

@Chocolate No, if anything he is more of mix of Garou and metal bat from the show one punch man? I just used Saitama as an example. Saitama is one of the more overpowered MCs in mainstream anime.

Lets get into it shall we:

The Manipulation of Space and Time: Multiple characters within the series have this ability. Though it is a forbidden magic, many of Ether's (and subsequently Chaos's) descendants have this power do to being linearly related to the High Archons Father Time and the Cosmic Mother. Thus they have innate, albeit limited, control over manipulation of these properties. Essentially, this power is an inherited family trait, but some have managed to do accomplish these feats by mastering certain elements such as fire. (See Etch 1 for a more detailed explanation) Abilities include:

  • Stopping Time
  • Slowing down Time
  • Speeding their actions up through time
  • Traveling through various points in time
  • Control over Gravity
  • Expanding &Contracting parts of the universe
  • Creating and closing pocket dimensions
  • Creating Black Holes
  • Warping through alternate dimensions and timelines

Throwing a Ball: This point was made to show off the strength of some of my characters. Based on your character, I'd say Dan is maybe 130-150 pounds. Titanus, one of the physically strongest characters in all of Chao's history, would likely be able to through him so hard that the force from the throw alone would kill him, let alone the impact of when he inevitably hits something. Most of the main characters within the story would be able to do the same, but even the side characters have this insane strength.

In terms of durability, Titanus is also a fantastic example. First we have to take a look at the physiology of the inhabitants of Chao. The high races (Ethereals, Netherians, and Sethirians) are more or less different forms of light and energy given solid form. Their bodies act as a shell to protect a core, known as a mana pool. The bigger the pool, the more durable the shell. Additionally, elemental affinities also play a part in the attributes of the shell. For example, someone with a wind or water affinity would have more fluid and swift movements, but may not be as tanky, whereas Titanus, an individual with an elemental affinity for stone, boasts an incredibly durable shell and has had masterwork weapons bounce and break off of his bare skin.

In terms of stamina, this is also related directly to a character's mana. We can start by trying to quantify mana. Let's take an average common race, an Ascendant for example. They are a nomadic people who specialize in trading, archeology, and petty thievery. The average Ascendant would have a mana pool of around 16,000 units. A 1st level spell, such as a fireball would cost around 1,000 units of mana. This is without taking into account reductions based on elemental affinities. So, an average person in Chao would be able to cast a 1st level spell about 16 times before running out of mana.
Someone like Titanus would have a pool of around 3,000,000,000 on a good day. Considering that even the highest of forbidden magics would only consume about 500,000,000 mana, Titanus would be able to cast a reality-warping spell 6 times before tiring and a basic fireball 3 million times before tiring.

There are 12 primary elements in the world of Chao.

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Flora
  • Electricity
  • Wind
  • Stone
  • Steel
  • Terra
  • Ice
  • Light
  • Dark
  • Toxin

Next there are 7 Archon Elements, which are forbidden to practice

  • Ether
  • Aether
  • Cyton
  • Sethir
  • Nether
  • Temporal
  • Spatial

I'd be happy to cover these in greater detail if asked.

The paralysis ability:
There are a few points to this question so I'll endeavor to answer them in order:

  1. Does it work for everyone? As with most magics, spells that attempt to physically alter or control an individual's actions, state of mind, or state of being are more effective against opponents who are a weaker level than they are. For example, if Titanus casts paralysis on his father, Chaos it may last for about 2 seconds max. However, if the reverse was in play, Titanus would be affected for about 2-3 decades or until Chaos releases him from it.

  2. Is the paralyzation permanent or is it based on how long the character's eyes are open? The paralysis is not permanent. This form of paralysis is a mental infection type spell, as opposed to a toxin or electric-based spell. This is a more potent version because it is a held spell, meaning that as long as the caster focuses their mana, the spell can be held indefinitely until the user runs out of mana, dispels the effect, or has their focus broken from an outside force that is strong enough to do so. Additionally, because it is a telekinetic spell no direct contact is needed albeit, the mana drain is considerably higher than its elemental counterparts.

A character can lack martial art and military training and still be able to beat someone that's highly trained. It all depends on the physicality of the martial artist. This is very true, but at a base level, if 2 humans were to go up against one another, one with martial arts training and one with no fighting experience whatsoever, the martial artist would win 99% of the time. I would also like to take this point to clarify that this list is more or less a ranking of the power order of the entire citizenry of Chao. Most of the commoners at least have a basic understanding of magic and have either been conscripted or volunteered to fight in one of the many wars Chao has experienced. My theory is that Dan would struggle to get past the NPC's of Chao.

Also, the abilities you listed, do all the characters possess these abilities or are the abilities based on specific individuals.

All of the Diety class entities can perform all of the actions listed and more. All entities in the Leviathan class (just beneath Diety) would be able to do all actions with ease, save for space-time manipulation. The main characters who have been revealed in my story up to this point are all Leviathan class or higher.

Thanks for asking such great questions!


The Manipulation of Space and Time

You didn't go much in-depth on what actions are needed to activate these abilities. I'm assuming the deities are capable of doing space and time manipulation just by thinking about it, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not sure about the characters that are at the leviathan level or below. You stated, "save for space-time manipulation". Not sure if you meant the same or you meant to say except. You also mention someone being able to achieve this ability through mastering fire but never explained how that translates to space and time manipulation. Do these characters need to charge up to activate these abilities or say some form of incantation? For example, merlin from seven deadly sins performed a spell that stops time but it took her several minutes to complete. Within that time frame, she could easily be attacked or blitzed while attempting this spell.

Throwing a Ball
Sure, dan weighs roughly around 130 to 150 pounds but you're not taking into consideration of dan resisting. Dan isn't going to stand there and let someone pick him up and throw him. keep in mind he isn't an ordinary human being and possesses superhuman strength and agility. Not sure if you checked out dan's fights but I still have them listed on my original post. Even if they were able to throw him, dan would just break his fall or reestablish his balance. You never listed any other strength feats other than the ball feat and cutting steel. Which isn't all that potent considering dan fought behemoth man, who can easily destroy buildings with his punches. I'm a bit in the dark on Titanus' highest potential of strength and also the side characters.

Now let's say dan wasn't able to break his fall, how can you guarantee he will die instantly just from the impact or from the initial throwing force? Dan was able to survive getting his internal organs crushed after taking a punch from a behemoth man and falling from a collapsing building. Keep in mind dan's abilities allows him to evolve each fight and get stronger and faster than before. He's also pretty perceptive and will try to analyze his opponent while fighting. I mentioned this in post number 81 or 82 and he showed these traits in his fight against Bolten


I find it cool that your characters are solid forms of light and energy encased by mana. However, similar to the strength feat you listed, I still can't properly gauge how durable Titanus or the other characters are. Having fluid or swift movements like wind and water doesn't necessarily make a character durable. It just means the character is evasive. As for Titanus, you stated, "an individual with an elemental affinity for stone, boasts an incredibly durable shell and has had masterwork weapons bounce and break off of his bare skin". You said his shell is very durable but never really put in context how durable his shell is. I don't know what these masterwork weapons are or what material they're made from.

In terms of stamina,
Your mana calculation is pretty interesting and I like what you're doing with your power scale. I'm getting a lot of black clover vibes from your power system, which is cool. Having said that, I would like you to elaborate more on the activation of spells. Kinda like what I stated earlier about space-time manipulation. For example, In naruto, most of the jujutsu are performed through hand signs.

What do you mean by weaker level? Is it based on physical difference or is it based on the amount of knowledge of spells the user posses? Outside of mana, is there some type of mind-muscle involved to hold that person in place? Telekinesis is not direct contact, but it still requires pressure to hold someone in place. I'm pretty sure the user can feel someone trying to resist their telekinesis. I'm curious about how much pressure is applied to hold that individual in place?

Martial arts.

There's a difference between having zero experience fighting and actually having some experience in fighting. Saitama does have fighting experience but he doesn't have martial arts training. Dan has fighting experience but he isn't trained like bolten or any other A or S rank officer. As for the NPC or commoners, I don't know their physical abilities or the degree of magic they possess in detail. Just because a character is magically based doesn't mean that they'll automatically be a challenge for characters that lack magic abilities and rely on physical abilities. Especially if the magic spells require prep time to function properly. For example, Wally west aka flash may not have magic abilities but I'm pretty sure in a straight-on fight he would destroy Zatanna, wally moves several times faster than the speed of light and can think as fast as he moves. Before she can even think of a spell she would be dead.

I do want to thank you for taking the time to reply to my post and break down some aspects of your world. I can tell you put in work to establish hierarchy among your characters.

I can appreciate your detailed analysis of my response. Well-spoken my friend. I will say that no, I don't expand too greatly on any of the concepts listed previously as that would likely have required me to write 10x more about each section. That's time I could be using on my next chapter lol. Maybe we should settle this in a crossover episode?

A crossover episode sounds very interesting. Imagine if someone hosted a battle royal for all the action MCs on this forum. Every round will have different scenarios, which would be awesome.

We could, but it will probably be when I'm less busy. If anyone else takes on that role then that will be cool as well.

All of my protagonists would call the police when there is a fight :smiley:

@Lensing That actually happened within the first few chapters of dan. Tommy ended up calling 911.

I think once my story gets a bit more established I'll put out an all call. Let's see what we can make happen.

We could have people vote on who they think will win or we could have judges to decide the victor based on each character feats. Rules could be you can't vote on your character or be the judge of your own fight.

Maybe if we ping the community mods in the discord we could make it like an official thing. Could bring some incredible promo opportunities for a lot of us.

If that's the route we wanna take, I definitely want to get some more episodes out first. Gotta show off what my characters are really capable of. :grin:

1 month later

Well, Fresh, like any Sans variant, is extremely good at dodging, has giant blasters, hundreds of bone weapons, and the power of Karmic Retribution - an ability that turns all the pain you've inflicted on others against you. Besides that, he basically cannot be killed (that's actually a canon fact!) So yeah... Dan's toast. Fresh might not take Dan seriously at first, but when he finds out what he's been doing, he's going to have a Rad Time whooping his keister.

The link if interested2

Could you tell me more about the giant blasters and the hundreds of bone weapons? He is extremely good at dodging what exactly? How fast is your character, do you have any examples of speed feats? What do you mean by he cannot be killed? Is it due to his regeneration factor or is it because he is a spirit, a nontangible being. Also, how does this karmic Retribution work what are the specifics? How does one go about activating that ability?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. That is way too many questions too fast. Let me try to answer them one by one.
Remain aware that neither the character of Sans nor Fresh was created by me, mine is merely a fan comic. The rules may actually be different, this is just my interpretation. Sans was created by Toby Fox and Fresh was created by Crayon Queen. (Just a couple names to put into your YouTube search engine if I'm not clear enough.)
To unlock the Sans boss battle in Undertale in the first place, the player needs to kill every single monster in the game prior, rather than sparing. Sans won't take you seriously until he finds out what you've been up to, at which point he decides to take action and stop the genocide megalovania.
San's blasters look like giant dragon skulls and fire giant beams of disintegrating energy. They're nicknamed "Gaster Blasters" because (in most fanfics at least) his last name is Gaster.
Sans is a skeleton and can thus use Bone Magic. He can summon bones and throw them at you like javelins or use them as spikes he can shove through the ground at your feet. I forgot to mention this, but he can also throw you around with telekinesis, slamming you into walls or more bone spikes. My character of Sans also wields two halves of a precisely broken bone as daggers!
Karmic Retribution. That's a tricky topic. Sans' attacks only do one damage initially, but they inflict you with more poison-like damage over time. That extra damage is the power of Karmic Retribution. Since it only appears in the genocide route final boss battle with Sans, it's hard to say exactly what the specifics are, but since the ability is called Karmic Retribution, it's safe to say the more pain you inflict on others, the more pain Sans' attacks inflict on you.
It doesn't matter how hard or fast you attack, Sans is always going to dodge you. He is small and light on his feet, and in extreme cases, he can also teleport. There is only one way to beat him - wear him out and then attack in his sleep. Only killers play dirty.
Now, Classic Sans can be killed, but Fresh is a variant from another dimension. Different things have happened in his life. One extreme example is the fact he has been infected with a truly bizarre parasite. It displaced his soul - source of life energy, in this case - from its proper place. I don't really know how it works exactly, but long story short, if you stab him, the worst that will happen is you ruin his hoodie. Any physical damage he takes will be regenerated very quickly, and even if you do hit his soul, nothing seems to happen. This is not saying he can't feel pain, though!
Hopefully this answered some questions. I would still look up "Sans fight Undertale" and then "Fresh Sans origin" on YouTube for some more answers though. Those videos can show you how hard this fight would be better than I could! I'm going to get back to work now.