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May 2022

Alrighty before I go to bed, I'll start a topic for the ones under us that have combat in their comics or novels. And so I ask, what matchups are in your character's favour? And what enemies do they rather stay away from?
Little something before I go first: this is not a topic to say how much superior your character is to anyone elses! You can compare but I do not wish to see "A can totally beat up your dude and look smug about it" or something. Let's keep it non competitive

For me, Andrew has a natural good matchup against those who can manipulate cold and ice (granted that they aren't just that more powerful than him). He is a fire sorcerer so he can keep himself from getting frostbitten and ward off ice attacks.
He also fares well against those who use acids and poisons (which is something that will be addressed in the comic season's finale at some point. Finally, while he sucks at casting it himself, Andrew is able to redirect lightning to some extent to defend himself giving him a little edge against lightning users.

However, he does not deal well with those who use light/holy magic since he is weak to them (they are also weak to darkness as it is a circle weakness in his world). Andrew also does not fare well in close combat in his natural state as he is kinda weedy like that.
And finally, Andrew will run away if his enemy is a barber.

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    May '22
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    Jun '22
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Interesting thread!

Obviously, Rekki is very powerful, but she's also clearly very limited, like we've seen her stumped on how to beat something and needing help a few times now.

Good matchups for Rekki:
Anyone whose strategy is just "be big, strong, smashy person", because unless they're really, really, really strong, she'll probably out-smash them.
Anyone who doesn't have a clear "victory condition" for their fight like a big attack that'll definitely take her out of action, unless they're a being that can't get tired or be put out of action by accumulation of injuries. Rekki has practically endless stamina and can keep fighting even while pretty beaten up, healing as she goes, so she can and will throw cars at you until she runs out of cars... at which point she will start throwing rocks at you or punching you. If you don't end the fight quickly, you're going to get tired, or be in too much pain to continue, but she'll still be pummelling you.

Bad matchups for Rekki:
Anyone with good ranged attacks they can fire off quickly that can keep her pinned or at arm's length. Rekki has very limited ranged options, like a sword draw attack she can only use once, or throwing things, which obviously is a slow and cumbersome way to fight at range,
Anyone immune to brute physical force. ie. if you have impenetrable skin like The Juggernaut or something so "hit with sword" or "hit with car" doesn't work, Rekki's all out of ideas.
Anyone too fast to hit. Obviously. Rekki can move very fast in a short burst due to having a lot of strength, but her reactions are only those of a well-trained human. She can't beat The Flash or Quicksilver.

So in summary, fighting Rekki is a bit like fighting a dangerous animal like a tiger, rhino, bear or similar. She can be neutralised safely from a distance with tranquiliser darts, but if it fails, you might be screwed. :sweat_02:

KĆ“ra (as in his current state in the story)
He has an ability called "wither."
It is manifested in form of a shining white orb. The orb's size and density indicates properties (bigger means wider range, denser means more impact)
It can corrupt other abilities and cause it to be nullified, and cause disturbance to the internal system of living things (via life force) to the point of killing them, or both at once.

I know, not the coolest and edgy one to have. No action.

Good matchup:
He is doing good enough against normal-sized enemies, given that he can have time to form his spheres. His ability is not the easiest one to conjure and adjust that most of his fights resulted in him getting beaten upā€”but once it hits right (range, intensity, etc.), the enemy is pretty much fucked up.

Bad matchup:
- Massively-sized enemies
- Enemies much faster than him or one with relentless attack (he cannot form the sphere needed to summon the ability)
- Enemies with fast regeneration rate (the damage he cause would be lessened)
- Those with strong magic neutralizing ability. Although he has a chance to "attack" the ability itself, the stronger ones would bring him down.
- Enemies that use talk-no-jutsu to bait or deceive him
- Enemies who use curse (this is pretty much a weakness of many characters in the series), while he theoretically could corrupt the curse being a magic ability, if his ability was not activated just when the curse is activated, it is too late.
- Needles

Gonna join in on here too, although my character's still in her early stages x'3

Josi herself is more agile than a hard-hitter. Being taught by quite the extraordinary teacher though, she's used to rely more on her wits than her physical capabilites. This will get even more important when she reaches her prime, but I can't get more into that since it's still early to talk about what role she's gonna take in combat, as well as her Energy & Magic usage, which already has more than one catch as the one seen in chapter 3.

Due to that though, it's basically safe to say that Josi will never be able to deal with bulkier types of opponents with high defenses and/or stamina (worst case when matched against both traits at once). Even with her high capabilites of observation and range of attacks, if she can't come up with a good strategy before she inevitably runs out of energy or find a weak-spot and gets outsmarted herself, take a few hits, that's when she'll easily be done for.

Anything is a bad matchup for Kestrel, that's why she always tries to run away :smiley:
She'll basicaly only fight if she's cornered (...just to break through and run away) or if you have something she wants.

But let's say there is a fight, and it's her in a current point of the story. Kestrel is small, quick and quite creative in finding ways to use surroundings. She is okay with knives, and has a pretty good aim when throwing them. She also has an ability to put people to sleep with her touch. She uses it left and right to avoid troubles like having a conversation, so she'll 100% try to use it in a fight.

So, bad matchups for Kestrel:
- someone with ranged attacks, especially ones that would get her when she's hiding somewhere behind a tree;
- someone who can fight well in a close-ranged combat and can stop her before she uses her sleeping powers (so I guess basically anyone who can use any sort of a weapon);
- someone who is quick enough to dodge her attacks;
- someone who can outsmart her. Which shouldn't be hard tbh.

Good matchups for Kestrel:
- bigger targets, as they're making it easier for her to aim;
- someone who expects others to play by the rules and have even a bit of faith in humanity; she plays dirty, she'll use any tricks just to win quickly, she'll apologize, convince her enemy that the fight is over and then attack again when they don't expect it;
- someone slow (or with slowly charging powers) enough for her to come closer and use her powers (or knives);
- any fight that is taking place in a forest; it's her comfort zone surroundings, she'll hide, attack out of nowhere, and disappear again.

To sum up, she is pretty weak but if you let your guard down and make a mistake, you'll wake up few hours later wounded and without your belongings.

Cracks knuckles I saw this the other day, but I had to think about it haha.

Okay, so Rip Vykirson, dino boy with dragon powers. First off, he has to activate them for anything to happen. When he does, he gets physically stronger, potentially stronger than anyone in his world, it's unknown exactly what his limit is.
Besides his physical boost, Rip has been trained to fight with hand and foot, spears, swords, and hatchets. As a fighter, Rip usually tries to ground his opponents and then once they are down, he pounds them into oblivion. He can scrap without his powers, and he usually does, only activating them when he needs a finisher. Stylistically, Rip uses a lot of pro-wrestling moves, and some MMA moves.
With his powers active, Rip can use objects to fight at mid-range, if there's anything available.

Good Match-Ups:
ā€¢Up close fighters
ā€¢Earth element users, (they just give him more things to punch back at them)
ā€¢ Other physical boosters like himself
ā€¢Telekinetic users (kind of situational really, if they're using large objects as ranged weapons)

Bad Match-Ups
ā€¢Ranged weapons users (Like archers or gunmen)
ā€¢Fire, Frost, Lightning, and Air element users
ā€¢Space and Physics manipulaters (like gravity powers or teleportation
ā€¢Anyone capable of outsmarting him or better at using their abilities.

I like to think that in Dragon Sparking, abilities are pretty subjective in regards to how strong they are. It really depends on the user and their combat tactics, and even the environment comes into play.

I should probably take my time to reply haha (been busy due to internship)

Ahah yeah I am familiar with the both of them, I think they might be good matchups for each other

Sounds rather lethal and nullifying abilities would probably come in real handy against most other characters

Gets the job done, if they can't hit you then they have a smaller win condition. Just look at Sans haha

Also quite OP if used by somebody clever (which I read she is)

Omg Rekki vs Rip is a terrifying thought. I'm actually not sure who would win.... but local property owners would definitely lose. :sweat_02:

Hopefully Rip's world has some subspace tech so the environment doesn't get damaged

Yes, those powers could be pretty useful :smiley: however, they come with serious side-effects that she doesn't yet know about, and she's going to regret obtaining those powers and start questioning her choices later in the story :smiley:

No, she got them from a book she stole. She wanted to read it before selling, and didn't know that it would get her powers.
Well, it still was her choice to steal and read that book :smiley:

Also I will done one for Dani as well, why not?

So Danivere has the ability to change her body's density (sort of) which alters her body's toughness and weight. They can both increase or decrease, the only constant is that her volume never changes.

So for example she can become almost weightless or she can become as tough and heavy as steel.

Good matchups:

  • Most variants of physical force like:
    • Gunmen. Guns are probably the least effective weapons on Dani because the bullets will just bounce off from her.
    • Physical fighters. Unless they are immensely strong, Danivere remains a immovable object that is very hard to dent. Or she flutters around you with higher agility if she decreases her density.
    • Weapon users.
  • Flame users. When her density becomes high enough she will become unburning.

Bad matchups:

  • All fights in water. Dani is afraid of deep water and no matter the opponent she will be discouraged to wade into the deep.
  • Fast opponents. She is too slow to hit them with increased density and decreased density doesn't give her the speed to catch up with them.
  • Tank characters like herself. It basically becomes a stalemate since neither of them have the ability to hurt each other.
  • Long ranged characters. Dani lacks range, which she can somewhat make up for with her handy multifunctional axe but only for medium ranges.

@darthmongoose @DualDragons
Lolol! It would be a cool fight I think!
I'm pretty sure Rekki could win, especially if she can outlast Rip's ability by relying on her stamina. I could also see it playing out with a classic double KO XD

As for the collateral damage, Rip would be pretty careful around civilian structures...for the most part lol. Anyone with a ton of strength and a hot head can get carried away pretty easily lol

This looks like a lot of fun. Gotta jump in soon with one of my own characters soon myself! :thumbsup:

Ahhhh so cool- okay let me think, I really only have one op character but this was neat way to explore the limitations with such characters.

ā€˜Faerie Lord/Lord Bora/Beastā€™
(I thought photos would help with visualization)

Right now he goes by Lord Bora, although that isnā€™t his actual name, so thatā€™s what Iā€™ll use. Heā€™s a type of faerie whose spent the last 200 years stealing different types of magic (turning living matter to stone, weather control/teleportation etc. lots of fairytale powers like that although having many makes it difficult to control) in order to wage war against the Faerie Courts in his world. Canā€™t lie but often misrepresents the truth, good at strategy especially over long periods of time. Before he got cursed into the bird beast you see above he was mostly human in appearance, a very proficient sword fighter, with slightly higher than normal strength and speed, but the curse heā€™s under has transformed his body far beyond what he was capable of. Itā€™s hard to verify a limit as I havenā€™t come to that in the comic yet, Iā€™d say he couldnt level entire buildings so thatā€™s a limit? Sorry ^^ā€™ though maybe he could destroy an average sized house with a couple of attempts. Capable of shape shifting although this is incredibly taxing.

-Good matches
-anyone who introduces themselves before a fight with their full name lol
Anyone physically weaker and someone who doesnā€™t possess healing based magic.
-Most anyone who doesnā€™t wield some sort of magic abilities, since heā€™s a cheater, heā€™s stolen a lot of other faeriesā€™ magic in order to boost his own abilities. (Thought it does make it more difficult to control during emotional fights)
-most single combatants heā€™d do well with especially if they engage in the fair practices of war (again because he cheats)

Bad matches:
-anyone capable of touching iron and with equal or greater strength/speed to enter his guard lol so not exactly hard for op characters. Being at least part Faerie, anything iron causes some serious damage to him and bonus points if their first gut reaction is to remove his heart.
-anyone capable of playing the long long game, basically a strategist like himself with equal or greater power would do. Bonus points if they have a fair knowledge of emotional/mental manipulation as this guy has some severe issues he refuses to deal with.
-anyone able to figure out his three names as names are really important to faeries so having them really helps tip the scales out of his favour. (Some of these are very situational but you never know! The littlest things make difference in fights and whoever is better prepared usually wins)
- also people who fight in 3+ members in a competent group that fill out any of these prior conditions. He doesnā€™t fight in a team so thatā€™s another weakness.

At the current point in comic (early stages), Owen just discovered his powers so he's pretty much a noob. He's an average, geeky 12 year old boy, physically the weakest and lacks combat knowledge. His greatest setback is that he lacks confidence due to his sheltered upbringing. Most of his abilities manifest through flight or fight response.
He represents the state of matter Gas. Throughout the series he serves as a scout and assist for his comrades and it's only in later moments he gains two offensive abilities. His deadliest being a "Disintegrate" ability.

In the matchup below, we'll pretend he has better control of his abilities. In the comic he can fuse with his comrades (like a Materia in FF7) to assist them in augmenting their abilities. Leaving out his assist abilities and treating below as if he's on a solo match:


He can easily evade physical attacks by shifting into his gas state. He can avoid grounded enemies by levitating (his particles) or sneaking around through porous spaces. He has a flash-step and teleport which can help him confuse the enemy. A flash-step + physical push can help him knock an enemy off a cliff etc.
He can levitate his camera and move it around independently, to further spy on or distract enemy while he attacks them from behind.

If an enemy stabs him, burns him or chops a limb off, he can regenerate once he switches into gas from. As he returns to human form, his body resets to how it was when he first heard the 'Hum' that activated his abilities.
This also goes for his camcorder too, which was on him at the time of the Hum, it can regenerate if destroyed.
(Aging only has effect on his human form, if for some reason he never transformed into gas in over 30 years, he would age naturally to 42 but the moment he transforms into gas and back to human, he will reset his body to age 12).

Fire Elemental Enemies: In gas form, extreme heat causes him to speed up and form plasma. He will remain unharmed and can use his plasma state for offensive attacks.

By default, any mammal based lifeform that isn't a "Sick Boy" and stands within a 20ft radius of him will automatically mutate into Xynous - a form of infected that acts on base instincts and the need to feed/infect others. Xynous are constantly shifting between the states of matter -Liquid, Solid, Gas at high speed, an experienced Owen can mentally alter them to a preferred state of matter eg. Solid, and disintegrate them or kill them by physical means.

Once he earns someone trust he can teleport to their location, so if somehow he can earn an enemy's trust he can teleport to wherever they are. and paired with the skill below is a deadly combination:

His disintegrate ability works against particle based organisms and spirits (he learns the skill from a figure who lives outside the states of matter)
This ability takes two forms:
(1) A ranged/projectile form that partially dissolves an enemy (lower willpower)
(2) A complete dissolve: he must latch onto the enemy in order to do this.
Willpower is key. An enemy with lower willpower will be quickly dissolved but an enemy with greater willpower is immune by default. He must either outsmart the enemy or earn their trust in order to latch on and dissolve them. The greater the enemy's willpower the slower the enemy takes to dissolve.

(Sick Boys are asymptomatic carriers of a virus that mutates others into monsters called Xynnous. Once the victim stands at least 20 feet within range of the Sick Boy, they will instantly mutate [some Sick Boys have longer range]. Sick Boys also display a variety of superhuman abilities.)


Face to face he has no chance, his best bet would be to teleport out of there

Owen's Human form is Mortal but his gas form isn't. Anyone who can rob him of the opportunity to completely transform into gas can kill him. His Gas form is is true asset, allowing him to break the shackles of mortality with that regeneration (mentioned previously).

Ice elemental enemies can slow him down, cause him to condense into liquid and then freeze his particles into a solid icicle. Because he would have been a gas for this to happen, he would remain alive like this for eternity, until someone casts sublimation/melt.

Mind corrupting enemies: has a greater effect on an inexperienced Owen. When he first started out, he had a bad dream about his particles dispersing and out of his control. His thoughts has a major effect on his power, once he allows such thoughts to cloud his mind, he will start to disperse and be forced into human form (leaving his human form vulnerable). A Sick Boy with this ability exists in the comic.

Extreme Wind Enemies: they can blast his particles away, causing them to disperse and force him into human form. There's a father/daughter pair in the comic with Windstorm abilities.

Vaccuum type enemies: they will suck his particles and (1) force him into human form (2) consume and absorb him. Some species of infected (Xynous) have this ability. Examples include: Infected bats, walruses, seals, whales and those mixed with any combination of these animals.

Gravity/ Anti-Gravity - There's a major Sick Boy character named Issandro who uses these. With his gravity fields he can rob Owen of all independent movement, bounce his particles around or lock them in place for eternity. Issandro is also a skilled martial artist so he can read through Owen's amateur strategy easily.

Anti Power - A Sick Boy with this power exists in the comic, he can counter Owen's abilities with ease. The character is a skilled wrestler with herculean-level strength and defenses. Once he counters Owen's abilities, the 12 year old would be forced into human form and dispatched within seconds. He has better flight experience than Owen too

Negation/ Regeneration Feeder - one exists in comic. This character can suppress Owen's gas abilities via Negation fields. The character hunts and feeds on other Sick Boys with regenerative capabilities to continuously replenish his own_(think Jeepers Creepers)_ If this character were to dismember Owen's limb etc Owen will permanently remain this way even if he shifted between gas and back to human.

Got carried away, now looking at the time, was so excited to give this a try, hopefully this makes sense XD
Running off to bed, enoy your night everyone lol

Kinda like that, but not as ridiculously overpowered lol

I'm certain Danivere would be quite the tough opponent, despite not being good against speedy types, but being somewhat of an immovable object :thinking:

1 month later

closed Jun 19, '22

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