5 / 12
Jul 2021

Hello Everyone,

To make a long story short I started this webtoon in January as a passion project and it morphed into a big part of my life.
I was on a solid trajectory for season 2 which was planned to start on Sep 6th of this year. Unfortunately, my illustrator had an untimely family matter to see too that has kicked her off the project.

I've attached some panels and the cover to show the kind of art style we were using (All art styles are good in my book and I don't mind adjusting either)

You can email me @ Triageforlovegd@gmail.com or just reply here in the forum with your email for me to connect and take a look at your work. I've also attached a link to the webtoon itself and the IG page.


If you're a new artist we already have a solid following on IG and webtoons which can get your work out there, if you are a seasoned vet this is a good opportunity for the same while getting paid.

  • created

    Jul '21
  • last reply

    Sep '21
  • 11


  • 834


  • 11


  • 5


  • 11


Hi I just sent you an email.
My email is yamazae@gmail.com
Thanks and hope to hear back from you :slight_smile:

I am interested, Here is my portfolio :

If you think I could fit your needs I would be happy to discus more details.
Please feel free to DM me here on the Tapas form or catch me on Discord:
or email

hi! would love to work with you. my art style is inspired by anime so perhaps you might be interested? my portfolio is here10 and my art email is goatdollart@gmail.com

Hello! :sparkles: If you are in need of a digital colorist, feel free to contact me! i'm available for work.
Here's the link to my portfolio10
my email: jayesumire@gmail.com
discord: Jaye#0214
Hope to hear back from you! :sparkles:

Hmm seems like you want an artist to make a comic, but if you ever need a single illustration(like your title suggests), I'm open to single illustrations. Here's my IG: https://instagram.com/euphisa10
You can DM me on IG or on this forums

Hi ! I'm Punix , I'm digital artist that have working on cartoon area for more than 7 years and
I'm interested in your commission
Please take a look at my works here



If you interest, feel free to sent the message to me, we will talk in the deep details

Thanks !!

19 days later
1 month later

closed Sep 10, '21

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