Essence: I have
Dominic: I have. My last girlfriend was about four years ago.
Essence: I haven't
Dominic: I haven't, but my friend Austin has been in a motorcycle crash.
Essence: I have but very rarely.
Dominic: Same. I always try to be on time, but a few times I haven't managed it.
Essence: I definitely have not.
Dominic: Ummm, no. Unless you count accidentally storming one of my older sister's sleepovers when I was like 5. They were all set up in the living room and I was supposed to stay upstairs, but I forgot.
Essence: I haven't.
Dominic: I have? I mean I've accidentally hurt their feelings before. I don't know if that counts.
Essence: I haven't.
Dominic: Okay this yes, I've accidentally gotten my little sister burned before when we were cooking. She was holding a colander for me and a hot noodle fell on her hand. Fortunately it didn't do any damage but it did hurt.
Essence: Are these questions for real?
Dominic: I haven't.
Essence: I have not
Dominic: I have not
Essence: No.
Dominic: Well...not exactly. It's complicated.
Essence: I have. Lying constantly is the only way I can try to pass as "normal."
Dominic: I have when I was little. I don't now
new question: Never have I ever dated someone out of obligation
Dominic: (to Essence) Please don't say you have.
Essence: (purses her lips)