1 / 55
Feb 2024

Here's how it works, I leave a "never have I ever" reply with your characters, and then add your own for other people's OCs to answer.

I have two OCs I'm using, so I'll leave two.

"Never have I ever, dated anyone."

Alicia: I have

Kattar: I haven't

(no it's not a sad boy gets isekaied story lol)

"Never have I ever been in a car crash."

Alicia and Kattar: I have.

Art by Mariel Leister

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    Feb '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
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Thank you for starting this topic. Isekai + ed is a great word! Since my characters can't answer the car one, they'll answer the dating one. Also, I don't quite understand how this works, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

"Never I have ever, dated anyone."

Cenric: "Nope."
Atreus: "I have, once."

For the next: 'Never I have ever late for my appointments'

Alicia never run's late because she has severe anxiety, and showing up late, would be likely to upset people. She wants to try to have the situation in control as much as possible. That being said, she has not showed up at all for appointments, which is not quit the same as running late.

Oh, cool! Well, to answer your last one:

'Never I have ever late for my appointments'

Otto: I'm German. We arrive five minutes early.

Blue Fedora: Otto, just so you know, if I ever show up late to a function, that means I'm either in trouble or with the plague. (So, no.:joy: )

And the one for others to answer:

"Never have I ever snuck into an event without invitation."

For 3 of my MC's from CALM.

"Never have I ever snuck into an event without an invitation."

Suzy: People need invitations to do things?

Mister Mimic: I have entered the dreams of others without their consent.

Poochy: Never. It's terribly rude.

This one is for the next person.

"Never have I ever betrayed a friend, family or ally."

Answering the last one
"Never have I ever betrayed a friend, family or ally."

Ellie: Nope, one-hundred percent have I never done that, and would never do that.
Skully: how should I know? I don’t remember anything… Probably…
Luke: Next question!

And for the next person:
“Never have I ever gotten someone else injured.”

Kattar: No, but I'd pay large amounts of (my mom's) money to get in if I wasn't invited.

Alicia: I barely (read: don't) want to attend functions I AM invited to

Kattar: I'd sooner jump off a sky-scraper.

Alicia: looks at the ground

Kattar: Heck no. I don't fight, and if someone tried to injure someone I cared about they would have hell to pay. I've never even snagged a friends hair or elbowed them.

Alicia: in an almost inaudible voice I think I want to go home now.

Jinwoo: Once I went with Jimin to a cafe. Mom didn't want me to go.

Jimin: That's without permission, Jinny, not without an invitation. I haven't, but me and my friends photo bombed some people taking wedding photos at a botanical garden. We were definitely not part of the wedding party.

Jinwoo: ???

Jimin: No. Cuz I'm not a dirtbag.

Jinwoo: I elbowed Jimin in the eye once, it hurt her really bad.

Jimin: I'm okay. I poked you in the eye by accident once too. Remember, when we were playing with the dolls and the knight's sword poked you in the face?

Jinwoo: nods with a grimace at the memory

Jimin: Um...no, but when we were little we used to play that I was a princess, and my dad was the dragon dragging me away to the high tower.

Jinwoo: It wasn't really a tower though. It was a wall made of couch cushions we piled up, but it wasn't a tower.

21 days later

Jimin has finally made her grand entrance:

18 days later
15 days later
21 days later

this activity seems fun

'Never I have ever late for my appointments'
Ozwald: few, but I mean I didn't need to see the doctor that time!
Higen: Late? LATE? never! I arrive at any and all appointments with one or two hours before the actual time.

Never have I ever betrayed a friend, family or ally?
Ozwald: everytime I have the opportunity I will betray Talo (Older bother) comes with being his little brother
Higen: No, Never ever in a hundred years it goes against a knight's word!

Never have I ever gotten someone else injured
Ozwald: ... I was possessed by something evil... plus he kind of deserved it
Hiegn: ... well you know sometimes you think hey that shield he has is sturdy enough... luckily we were just sparring so they were fine... after a few months...

never have i ever gotten kidnapped by a monster
Ozwald: weird that it hasn't happened to me yet
Hiegn: let's see... the statue, the Siren, and a few back in Elysia apparently I'm very kidnappable!
Ozwald: ... you shouldn't be happy about it

Never have I ever acted, modeled or performed
Ozwald: no, never I don't think I can I'm too shy
Hiegn: a few times but not by choice

Never have I ever, lied to my parents:
Ozwald: a few times, but Dad doesn't need to know where I or the twins were when the carnival arrived, right?
Higen: NEVER!!!

for the next person
Never have I ever pranked anyone
Ozwald: I have been pranked but I don't do that kind of thing
Hiegn: I have and I always feel bad about it, it was just a moment of weakness I didn't mean to ring the bell of a store and then ran! I was only 8!!!

Azure and Caramella: I have :smirk:

For the next: Never have I ever gotten trouble with the authorities and got away with it.
Azure: I never get in trouble...
Caramella: Of course, I got away with it!



Twelve years ago, Azure Skylar, the Knight of the Cross of the unparalleled syndicate, the Chapel, was favored by the Pope himself to work on a mission that would determine the fate of their entire group against their growing rival, the Empire.

Twelve years ago, Azure met Caramella Red Aberdeign and found a friend in her. For once, he knew rest, quiet, peace, and comfort. Little did he know that Caramella Red was also the infamous Sweet Crimson, the ace assassin of their growing rival, the Empire.

A mistake, a wrong decision, a missed opportunity, all wrapped in the same regret that led to the ink on paper weeping about all that should have been said and done before time came and went. A story inspired by Taylor Swift's Evermore, Letter Addressed to the Fire will take you to a trip down the star-crossed soulmates' memory lane and tell you about all that was only whispered in the wind twelve years ago.

24 days later

Essence: I have

Dominic: I have. My last girlfriend was about four years ago.

Essence: I haven't

Dominic: I haven't, but my friend Austin has been in a motorcycle crash.

Essence: I have but very rarely.

Dominic: Same. I always try to be on time, but a few times I haven't managed it.

Essence: I definitely have not.

Dominic: Ummm, no. Unless you count accidentally storming one of my older sister's sleepovers when I was like 5. They were all set up in the living room and I was supposed to stay upstairs, but I forgot.

Essence: I haven't.

Dominic: I have? I mean I've accidentally hurt their feelings before. I don't know if that counts.

Essence: I haven't.

Dominic: Okay this yes, I've accidentally gotten my little sister burned before when we were cooking. She was holding a colander for me and a hot noodle fell on her hand. Fortunately it didn't do any damage but it did hurt.

Essence: Are these questions for real?

Dominic: I haven't.

Essence: I have not

Dominic: I have not

Essence: No.

Dominic: Well...not exactly. It's complicated.

Essence: I have. Lying constantly is the only way I can try to pass as "normal."

Dominic: I have when I was little. I don't now

new question: Never have I ever dated someone out of obligation

Dominic: (to Essence) Please don't say you have.

Essence: (purses her lips)

13 days later