Ok, first of all. If you want to make a comic, make a comic. Your last 6 or so updates are artworks. It's pretty useless posting art on Webtoons, if you want, use them as covers or panels, don't just put an art as an update.

Get rid of "Narrator: It's 6 am blah blah", no one is reading this and this is not a good way to make a comic.
There's one good rule to comic making: Show, don't tell. So everything that your narrator is telling us, you should be drawing, action by action, panel by panel. Right now you don't have a comic, you have a drawing of a person and a one-sentence description for what is happening with them.
Read more comics to learn how people draw them =)

The art needs more work, of course. It's not so bad, but not something most people will read. It will come with time and practice though. The thing I would advice to focus your attention on more is storytelling.