9 / 22
Feb 2021

It's still soon to give a proper review but it looks promising! Nice color palette and art style. Keep it up :blush:
I'm eager to read your future updates. Just knowing that's going to be a comedy drew me in :grin:

That you for the response! Yeah it's only a few small pages in but more will be coming quickly over the next few weeks, I hope!

Check out Peacemaker Chronicles (2020)!
It's got all the good stuff baby!

Diverse characters each with their own distinct personalities

Propaganda and advertisements for items that don't actually exist because I don't wanna slapped by copyrights!

Over the top reactions and facial expressions!

And designs that can range from goofy, weird to scary because I have a problem! They might also have references...

And a lady with anger problem so bad she changes art styles

Read it now! Don't be a coward!

Gotta love the occasional comedy comic now and again, just dropped a quick little short this morning, fun to get away from the main story sometimes

This comic is only a week old so I hope it counts, welp here you go (LIKE & SUBSCRIBE):