27 / 1445
Nov 2022

Hey everyone!, here is my comics i'm working on.

i update them on friday

i hope you will like them

Genre: Action, Mystery, Horror

Genre: Action, Mystery, millitary

Genre: Action, Horror. Mystery

Genre:Action, sci-fi, Mystery, millitary

The Webnovel has been completely optimized for viewing readability, if you've already checked the story out, i ADVISE you to return, it won't dissapoint you!

If you're into in-depth worldbuilding stories, definitely give Dark Utopia a shot!

Genre: Dark Fantasy / Horror

The story continues with Xy being hinted with a great revelation. One morning he decided to go for a few swings with his sword, the uncanny feeling inside of him had made him very uncomfortable, so he wanted to have some escapism by swinging his sword in his field

But here, is where things will start to take a turn Xy would have never even thought of. A turn that goes beyond human existence.

Episode 16 of Thousand Fates updated yesterday! Please check out my novel if you're interested! ^^

Genre: fantasy, mystery, drama