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Sep 2020

Hey everyone! :smiley:

My name is Lumani and I am BRAND NEW HERE. I am currently working through the first novel of my dark series and am posting a chapter a week. While I don't draw comics, I do create illustrations and images to go with my story. I would LOVE to find a few stories out there to read. I prefer a darker fantasy theme with vampires, werewolves or creatures of your own creation. Not overly huge on romance stories, although a good love triangle never hurts. Lets see your awesome stories peeps!

Here is my story for anyone interested! I am currently working on chapter 10! It features creatures akin to Werewolves and Vampires, with my own personal touches. I also have several races of my own creation. :slight_smile:

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There are 72 replies with an estimated read time of 6 minutes.

I have werewolves! Though there is a romance angle as well, but the story is about a characters growth and dismantling slavery so it might be up your alley? kind of?

Hey! Thanks :slight_smile: I will check it out! Thanks for commenting!

Of course :heart: You should post a link to your own story in your intro post so we can check yours out as well

Here is my novel, The Stalker, It is a reviewing novel, so maybe you will find something you like from my reviews.


I have a werewolf story and while it's a romance, the male character tends to have a pretty dark side.
And along the way people end up dead and killed, so it gets darker over time.
There is a slight love triangle in there... (which needs some cleaning up imo xD)

I'll post it and I'll leave it up to you :slight_smile:

My series is sci-fi/fantasy but one of my stories does involve youth and beauty stealing vampires with ties to the creepy vampire countess herself, Elisabeth Bathory.

Welcome to tapas! I don't have fantasy so far on tapas, but I hope to eventually :slight_smile:

Hey there, Lumani! Welcome!
I'm glad to see another fellow writer joining the community!

I'm pretty new myself (three-four months old), so I can say meeting new faces around here sure is a pleasant experience.

As for me, I do have a dark-fantasy novel (with my own species in it) which mostly focuses on drama and mystery.

I hope it suits your liking! :slight_smile:

Thanks KillianRain! I am excited to be here and to meet some wonderful writers. I will certainly check out your story, thanks for commenting!

I love to do illustrations too! This book features a she-orc protagonist and her adventure into the wild frontier of their continent. It will begin with an escape from her human master, an archmage, but an opportunity for vengeance will arise, and Rhun will join a party of humans.

The first book is complete and monsters will not initially rear their cool and ugly heads. But I've started book 2 on the same channel and human enemies will be the least of Rhun and her party's problems.

I think of my series as an action-adventure in a fantasy world.

I like to make illustrations to go with my story too, I feel like it really lhelps to bring the reader in while still giving lots of information. Mine is a fantasy adventure novel following a determined elf trying to avenge her home.
The official blurb: Solvi has been living a peaceful life in her village, but not everyone in this world believes in peace. One night, her home is raided by vikings and they steal a prized possession, destroying everything she's known. She decides that it's now her duty to avenge her home and return what was lost.

Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here on Tapas!

I have a creature of my own design that co-stars in my novel. While I classify it as a romance, it certainly isn't a fluffy one. Actually I've had a professional editor in the traditional publishing industry say that it doesn't read as a traditional romance or one that romance readers would expect. And there's kind of a lust quadrangle. So maybe you'd like it? LOL
Warning for a good amount of erotic scenes tho.