210 / 2088
Jul 2021

Just uploaded the latest episode of my comics KIRA: A Star Wars Story.

Make sure to check out my other webcomic, Geeking Around: The Webcomic. Based of my podcast of the same name. https://tapas.io/series/Geeking-Around-The-Webcomic/info

If anyone like to SUB 4 SUB please let me know.

Hi! Just updated!^^

Episode updated :slight_smile:
Take a look :slight_smile:

Just posted the next 5 pages of The Middle, here it is!

new update is here :smiley:

new update is here :smiley:

Mine is a novel, but just updated yesterday. For lovers of fantasy :hearts:

Page 20 of Chapter 04 is up AAAAAND CHAPTER 04 IS COMPLETE!!!!! with a pretty messed up note. VIOLENT CONTENT!!!!

Daily update!

Chapter 05 cover is done: Fight the Reptilian Horde!!

Hello! I just uploaded my comic collaboration yesterday here on Tapas! Feel free to check it out and I appreciate any kind of support!:blush:

Hi everyone! :grin: I have just started posting on Tapas, I am translating a comic into Italian, the title is "Marine Boy". Today I published chapter two :it::fish:

Plot: "The true love story of two aquarium animators".
Genre: BL - Romance - Drama

(~˘▾˘)~ Here is the link to the comic: https://tapas.io/series/Marine-Boy-Italian

Please support me if you like it :baciare_cuore:
Thanks for the opportunity :heart: