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Feb 6

I had a thought! I often post a teaser of my next page in my socials. I was like ''WE COULD ALL DO THAT ACTUALLY'' here. So here's mine for this Friday!

Feel free to share yours and TEASE PEOPLE AWAY!

This is a teaser for the next episode of my novel:

"What-" he wondered but didn't have time to finish his sentence because Elinora interrupted him.
"You're firing me? Why?"
"I never said I was going to fire you."
"I promise it won't happen again... What did you say?"
There was confusion between them. There seemed to have been some misunderstanding when Ronnik came into the room shouting out in a breathless voice, "That's not it!"


Here is the first panel of my next chapter that I completed

No, I did not reuse a panel from my previous chapter with slight modification because I’m lazy, I’m being eco-responsible.

Also, it is to highlight how Corrine is force to rigidly act a certain way by her society.

The funniest bit is that I currently plan to reuse that panel a third time in the following chapter.

They all look cool!

This is a sneak peak to tomorrow's chapter!

Rocío began to tremble with rage. “No?” she scoffed. “He is loved by the people, he has a good title, he was awarded riches by the Kingdom. What more do you want, Father?” She glared at him. “Marquis Félix is the only correct answer. Plus, he’s not a gambler and a drunkard!”

“I’d rather you marry a gambler than a murderer!” He panted. His yell was so loud and full of passion that it had left behind a suffocating silence and disheveled his previously perfectly groomed hair.

ugh fights with parents do be hard x.x

thumbnail for the chapter

Snippet subject to change:
“Over Thirty Hundred Years Ago, there was a prostitute called The Velvet Maiden of Fate! She worked at a brothel in the City of Rem, but she only worked with women. She was a strong woman, protected by Omnes herself some would say, and would refuse any mistreatment from her customers or evne bosses. If she wasn’t fond of the working conditions, she would find somewhere else, and whatever brothel she left would fall to ruin. With this in mind, every brothel she worked at would service her as much as she desired. She would even take advantage of this to get her peers proper treatment.
Things changed however, when the Velvet Maiden suddenly vanished. A dark age fell upon the realm of prostitutes. Many employers sought to abuse their prostitutes once again, but having tasted proper treatment, many prostitutes demanded better treatment. A great strike came into play, ruining many brothels, but still their abusers would not budge. It was only after the Velvet Maiden haunted the richest pimp in a dream, that they finally relente.
Soon, prostitutes would be treated as queens, kings, and lords. From this a holiday would be made: Maiden’s Banquet. A day when customers and pimps paid respect to their prostitutes and gave them gifts. As time went on, the Maiden’s Banquet would become a day for couples as well(presumably because some people didn’t want to admit they were giving gifts to prostitutes in some places).
And that’s the tale of how Maiden’s Banquet came to be,”


Episode 51 - Unhuman
EVAN did what to Kaysi??? What is going to happen to Kaysi...? How could he... How can he....?
Sorry it is a Novel so no images.
Please sub and lets grow together!

you can try mine!

A chapter of my webcomic is finally out! You can come and check it out! Likes, comments, supports and shares are always appreciated!