17 / 24
Nov 2023

It started happening to me about 3 days ago on 10/30. First, the app would give me the "unclaimed ink" button for rewards but then wouldn't let me open the "complete offers" link to track my ongoing rewards or browse for others. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app which seemed to fix the problem as I was able to open the "complete offers" link, but now I am not longer getting "unclaimed ink" links and customer support says that the rewards have gone through but my ink balances have not updated at all and there's no "video offers" link anymore either. Android user with current app version and everything updated for the system. Pretty certain it's a bug but customer service hasn't been helpful.

As I read in the tapas discord it is due to a new update. If that option has not disappeared on my part, it is because I do not have it activated in the app. Damn, it's not fair.

ATM watching ads is working for me. Though now i'm getting concerned, I really don't want this to change for the worse.

It vanished three days ago, at the start of this month. And with inskgiving this month too,


The video ad ink has not been available for me on the device that I updated the Tapas app on.

Separately, the ad offers for ink have not been working for me at all since 10/30, but there have been times in the past when they have not worked for me for up to several weeks, but then have gone back to normal later.

According to their Facebook, the change is going to be, watch up to three ads to unlock 1 episode per ad. And it sound like the episodes are only unlocked for 72 hours. Tapas is now starting to sound more and more like Webtoon. :cry:

I don't like the new option, I just want to be able to get ink to buy the chapters and have them unlocked permanently.
It's already annoying enough that there are series that I can't buy in full, since it forces me to use the WUF and doesn't allow me to buy the chapters directly.

It's kind of ironic, since my sister believes that Webtoon is better in any aspect. But she always complained about 1 thing: getting "keys" (or whatever the fake money is called) is harder on Webtoon.

This makes me uncontrollably mad, especially since I had hope when they told us that ads would be back, just to confirm that this is the new hottest totally best system! A system that doens't allow to gain free ink that you can actually share, right before inksgiving! I guess I'm glad to see that some people are still giving, but at some point they will start paying (and for me it's like 5 times the price, since we have to deal with inflation).
Things get a worse when you don't get ANY options to earn ink (for some reason, I don't have any offers).

This whole update was like one of those schemes planned by the ex-CEO of EA, who was so greedy that got fired! (And then got fired from Unity)

The only solution for now is not to use the lastest version of the app... Or maybe making enough noise in order to get them to retract their decisicions? One can hope...

I am totally angry with this update... next year inkgiving will not have success because people won't have ink to give... and won't be able to support the authors...

also frustrated that the watching ads for ink option disappeared. I tried those surveys in the web browser but they are very repetitive and don't work often.

I still have the option but every time I click it, it won't load the offers or at least let me check the progress of the downloaded offers. I already updated the app, even did a logout login check in the app

Same problem I'm having. It won't load offers for me anymore. Did the same, even updated and nothing. A shame the app is so botched right before Inksgiving.

When I asked them about this they told me "just unistall and do it again" and I think it worked.

Not that it matters to me, since dowgrating the app is the best option! Now, downgrating seem to make complete offers to work as well, but man, watching ads is such a no brainer! In fact, now the ad service is better (ironically), I don't need to use a VPN to get them!

Just search for a prior version of the app on Google. There are third-party apps that allow you to install the versions that you need. Also, I don't think Tapas can do anything about it, since they still have an ad system (with the Watch ads to get episode). And if they do, then I will support creators rather than reading premium stories.

The users are the ones who keep the app afloat. The only way to destroy piracy is to offer a better service.

14 days later

My god, the thing is even worse now!

The discount of auto-tap is 10%! It was 20% before!

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

The only good thing they did is that the WUF chapters can now be purchased in ink and I was able to finish several series that I had incomplete.

I uninstalled it and did it again and it's still the same - no free ads for ink... this makes me angry... no inktober next year.

yes... but to get ink, you need to buy it or install stuff that are time consuming to get ink. before you could watch ads to get free ink... and this is what makes me angry