50 / 51
Jan 22

Mkay, Texas doesn't usually wear glasses but I did draw this like three months ago:

I have GOT to redraw this lol

This guy was a nerd since the very beginning

It’s literally in his character description. His sister wears glasses too but isn’t quite as nerdy.
Surprisingly, his glasses turned out to be more plot relevant than me or my co creator have ever anticipated.

I had this character that I was writing that I would describe as “Guy with eccentric glasses” or something every time I mentioned him because I didn’t want to come up with a name.

I honestly give too many of my characters glasses cause I think they're cute. Are they also nerds? Maybe...

So far two of my characters have glasses. I hadn't thought about whether they are nerds or not but... they probably are.
Neem is blind but wears glasses to protect his eyes from debris and bright lights.

Jasper wears reading glasses and is a librarian. He needs them, but not all the time. Maybe he just knows they make him look studious. Or maybe it's just a pain to constantly take them off only to put them on again in five minutes.

is Neem named after a plant intentionally? is it a recurring theme through all the characters in your story that they're named after things in nature?

Well, not a real name. He’s always referred to by his “hero name” Viritron. (which doesn’t mean anything It just sounded cool) Might change it at some point if I think of something better 🤷

ooh! this thread made me realize... i only have one character with glasses lol

I have these two who are childhood friends :blush:

And here a drawing of the two of them as kids!

They're characters of my comic, I let you the link down in case you want to take a look ^^

26 days later
27 days later
15 days later

Texas looks like a totally different person in glasses. My little brother says she looks like a librarian