11 / 15
Jul 2020

I posted my newest comic on 9gag and it got over 750 upvotes! It also got multiple comments saying "OK Boomer". On one hand I am delighted to have so many people viewing and commenting on my comic. On the other hand, I am no boomer. Have you guys had similar experiences with comments on your work?

Here's my allegedly boomerish comic:

  • created

    Jul '20
  • last reply

    Jul '20
  • 14


  • 1.6k


  • 10


  • 40


  • 4


One subgenre of boomer humor often involves making fun of the wife/ ex-wife so yeah, this comic fell into that oops

Here's a few examples

It is kinda boomerish with the wife-hating. "Haha, we married too young and ended up stuck in lifeless marriages! Haha."

Well, the kind of humor of that joke appeals to Boomers XD

Now, other jokes you have appeal to millenials or gen Z, so dont let it keep you awake at night.

A funny joke is a funny joke, no matter the generation.

Poor Gen-Xers don't have a snarky insulting phrase aimed at their expense. That makes me sad. xD

They get a different type of flack- a lot of them get the "ok boomer" aimed at them as well and then get to try to explain that they're not Boomers... only to be met with yet another "ok boomer" :joy: I have a friend (27) who basically flings that phrase at anyone over 30... to many people's dislike lmao

Lol xD yeah. I'm an older Millennial (just barely missed being a Gen-X) and I get "Ok Boomer" often enough because of my propensity for Dad Jokes xD

@DiegoPalacios wise words. A laugh is a laugh.

My husband is Gen-x and he gets the ‘ok, boomer’ flung at him all the time. Makes his blood boil XD
I think people completely misuse that phrase just to pull people’s legs.
It used to be a rather sensible yet snarky remark to get away from stuborn boomers who just refuse to give you any slack. But nowadays it’s just used to troll or to be dismissive towards anyone older than you (And their opinion no matter what it is)
Best just to shrug it off and move on, imo (or to get a blast out of it like your friend xD)

Hey, some of the more modern people will never really understand good humor. Most comedies these days consist of fart and wiener jokes. Not that I'm against it but after a while, it gets old.

It depends on where you are searching. I found many modern stories with clever humor.

Good point. I was just lamenting on the current state of our culture.

"The sliding scale" The answer no one asked for.

After the great depression and WWII, people started having families. Young people that were alive during this 'boom' in birth rate were called 'boomers. Years of birth 1930s to 1950s. Those 'boomers' started having families of their own and increased the population even more.

These days 'boomers' are anyone at (or nearing) retirement age. Attributed with being grumpy and eager to share opinions.

more like anyone who says anything the Millenials/Gen Z don't like/doesn't agree with :rolling_eyes: