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Jul 2024

There are a lot of mothers in "Damsel in the Red Dress" but of course I have to lead off with Mrs. Moon:

I wring my wrists until the skin lights on fire - raw and anxious. Mrs. Moon stands stunned in the doorway, eyes locked on the painted peonies. One thin manicured hand, raised in dumbfounded surprise, rests in her dark hair, the other is suspended halfway to her mouth, brilliantly agape. The red-tinted lips move without words, her head shaking slowly as if unable to fully grasp what she’s seeing.

My heart beats wildly, pounding against my ribs like a frantic bird, trying to break through the cage. My lips part - my mind imagines feelings into motions and motions into rambling silence as I try to make an excuse for myself, but my tongue stays frozen in place. I’m not sure what I’d do or say anyway.


I look a mess - hair pouring over my shoulders in frizzy ringlets. I try to push back the heavy mass of curls and realize my hands are all smudged with scarlet. Acrylic smears. I wipe them off quickly on my blue jeans and set about setting the room to rights, making a mess of the coffee table, as I knock the brushes over and spray new paint over the old, permanent stains.

“Are you ready to go?” I breathe over the burning, nervous pressure filling my lungs, “I’ll just wash up real quick-”

Rather than answer, she steps over toward me and places her hands on my steaming cheeks, using her thumb to wipe the paint from my temple.

“Oh, hush, ‘Licia. Calm down.” her voice trills. “There’s, no hurry, my darling, no need to rush.”

When she says my name, I sound soft, and delicate, like a song. But for some reason, I still feel guilty, staring at the red stains on my hands, seeing the peonies, laughingly pink, out of the corner of my eye, watching me from their place on the canvas, even as Mrs. Moon holds my face in her hands.

And Lillian:

Everyone else is already sitting around the table, Lillian rolling her eyes exasperatedly. I make my way to an empty seat in the least sunshiney part of the room.

“Well, now that everybody’s here…,” Lillian sighs, and her cheeks seem to deflate as she shakes her head. “We’re behind schedule on finalizing the concept for our summer showcase, but we’ve finally gotten some design ideas back from the marketing team.”

She points her remote at the screen on the wall, and the words 'Spooky Summer' appear in large drippy cursive above a romance novel cover. A pale red-haired woman in a red dress is visible from the nose down, all “up close and personal” with a man who is obviously a vampire - if not for his cloak and faux-Victorian blouse, for the dribble of blood by the side of his mouth.

“‘Spooky Summer,’” She reads out loud for the benefit of any of us editors who might be illiterate. “This is what we’re going with for this year, so we’ll be spotlighting all of our vampire and werewolf themed romance novels.”

Tiffany just looks at me, but Lillian catches the movement.

“You don’t like it,” for some reason she’s addressing me instead of Tiff with an expression that’s halfway between frowning and pouting. “What’s wrong with ‘Spooky Summer?’ Scarlet likes it.”

Lillian waves her remote-holding hand with a flourish toward Scarlet, who nods and raises her cup of coffee as if she’s toasting Lillian’s good health.

Tiff looks indignant as her eyebrows jump to the middle of her forehead again, and she raves and signs defensively, “Scarlet loves everything! You could put Scarlet in a tank full of sharks and she would love it!”

  • created

    Jul '24
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    Sep '24
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Emperor Malai and Empress Rebecca are parents to the fraternal twins Princes Fau and Ira.

The late High Sorcerer Luno and Advisor Gemma are parents to the Champion of Light Astra.

King Overlord is a foster father to Advisor Pen and the Champion of Darkness Psychoborg.

Tina and Georgia are adoptive parents to Andy.


For ToV we have Callaghan and Primavera (Ozwald´s parents) they are very supportive of all of their children, unfortunately, Primavera passed away before the story before she managed to pass on some of her sayings and valors to her kids, Callaghan didn't re-marry and continued to care for his kids, we also have Ruri and ... well Cassandra (Higen´s parents) she is a mother... by definition, like Primavera, Ruri passed away before the story started he was Higen´s role model shaping must of his personality from him.

For The Journey, it will come out in future updates a person in the cast is a father figure for 4 children that's all I will say for now.

Wait for vol.2 to make it canon official but you better believe these two are father and son.

There's also Spring's dad (left), who's ded, and her other uncle (who wants to kill her), who has 9 puppies.

and lastly, there's ashley and purple's parents, these two are the only ones who have a "normal" family with no deaths... yet.

Larry's mom:

Her name is Primavera? that's interesting. I guess Cassandra isn't a very good mother?

yeah, Cassandra is not a good mother, I like Primavera´s name at first I was going to just call her Vera but Primavera sounded cooler.

Of my list of characters, these 3 are the only ones that are canonically confirmed to be parents.
Cathrine being the only one of whom we know the offspring at the current point in the story. And of Old Nan we know she has at least one canonical grand-daughter, necesitating at least one child.

I could see Jet being a father, but since his partner is a non-human, it would have to be ian adoptive construction. But so far I don't have reason to make any hard decisions for the canon.

There's also a possible future where Kyara and Zack become parents in a "Trespasser: Legacy" story arc.

suddenly incredibly curious about this XD

Oof, it looks like Apparent Secrets doesn't have a whole lot of decent parents. :cry_02:

The only OC parents I have for it are:

  • Amaranth Alcazar (Iris's mom, pillar of kindness, deceased)
  • Richard Alcazar (Iris's dad, scumbag)
  • Commissioner Marshall Harlynn (Curtis's dad, a**hole)
  • Howard DeLong (Ramona's dad, kind man)
  • Barbara Cavendish (Mr. Cavendish's mother, stern and cold businesswoman)
  • Yamenn (Zayzann's adoptive caregiver, missing)
  • Everyone else is deceased... :sweat_01:

I don’t think I have a lot of parents included in my story,
But there’s Zazy, Ellie’s dad, he’s a bit of an absent father and will not be around much until maybe book 3.
Other parents are just briefly mentioned, not even by name, and will make appearances later on.

not all of my characters parents are very good or even decent, there are just a lot of them in my stories. Most of them do good and bad things, very few of them are paragons for perfect parentage

ahhh, the cruel girl boss strikes

yikes. I think for my leads it's about fifty fifty in "Damsel in the Red Dress" Kattars parents are living. Alicia and Andrew's are not. Jinho's parents are living. Melissa's mother is living, but her father is not.

All the parents of the leads are still alive in "A Dozen Morning Glories."

So to try to do a breakdown of my OCs parents more or less (deep breath)

Damsel in the Red Dress

Jose Maria Palmero (Alicia and Andrew's father): A really sweet, loving and affectionate father. Hard working and loyal to his wife and kids. His biggest flaw was his temper, that while not violent, caused him to stay angry for a very long time, and he tries to stay away from the people who make him angry when he's mad so...that went about as well as could be expected.

Rosa Palmero: (Alicia and Andrew's mother): Loved her children and husband a lot, but she had a tendency to be kind of bratty and wasteful. She wanted nice things and had been encouraged to believe she deserved them no matter how much trouble they caused her husband because he was poor. Her biggest virtue is that she didn't want most of these nice things for herself but so her children could be happy. She was very immature, but she was also only a teenager when she had Alicia, so she had no idea what she was doing as a mother.

Mrs. Moon (Kattar's mother): Everyone who reads this story already know what she's like because she's one of the MCs. She is very hard working and loves her son to bits. But she's also had a tendency to be busy his whole life, and she has a goddess complex leading her to want to make everything perfect and fix other people 'for their own good' even if that really causes them harm. To her credit, she sincerely believes everything she's done for and to her son were to allow him to live the best and happiest life possible, but while her theory for raising a "good" child was pretty effective, it didn't really raise a happy one. She also had the bad habit of letting him become spoiled ON PURPOSE and being proud of it for...plot reasons. She never allowed him to believe he was better than other people for being rich, but she's actually kind of proud of the way he considers things (not people) trifles that don't matter because he's never known what it's like to not have anything he wants.

Victor ??? (Kattar's Father): Kattar has never met is father and he knows virtually nothing about him. He doesn't know whether or not his dad is alive, or even his last name, because his name isn't on Kattar's birth certificate. All he knows about his dad is that, according to his mother, 'he had the drive of a tricycle' and that he looked a lot like Kattar. This is true enough, but Kattar looks about sixty-forty like both his parents.

Abigail Gomez (Melissa's mother): Is very passive. She's honestly so shattered she rarely speaks unless addressed and doesn't really run her own household or raise her daughters. They live together with their grandmother and she raised them.

A Dozen Morning Glories

Dorine Walker (Essence and Beth's Mom): Is a grown up brat. She's had a hard life, but she takes that out on Essence. Fortunately? for her Essence is dead enough inside to tolerate it without complaining...??? Honestly, it's kind of ridiculous of Dorine because Essence is her caregiver, and you'd think you want to treat them well for fear they'd stop coming around to help you.

Tarshish Hall (Essence's dad): For sure a scumbag. Essence has never met him, and he explicitly said (and Essence has been told) that he never wants to see or have anything to do with her.

Blake Whiting (Beth's dad): Treats his daughter like a princess and loves her a lot. Dorine may complain that Beth is being spoiled by spending time with her father, but really it's Beth's personality that's the problem. Blake is just doing his best to love and care for his daughter.

Thanh Giang (Dominc, Cocoa, Honey and Ben's mom): Is honestly not winning any parenting awards. She's nagging, she complains and gossips about everyone, and she's cruel to her kids (but more so to her daughters) for having dark skin, basically having devastated their self-esteem throughout their childhoods.

Hai Giang: (Dominic, Cocoa, Honey and Ben's dad) Mostly doesn't spend a lot of time with his kids, just giving them instructions and expecting them to be obedient out of filial duty. He doesn't do much to make them feel loved or cared for and he doesn't consider it his job to consider their feelings.

Eunice Taylor (Leia and Riley's mom) Eunice generally seems pretty passive, but she's judgemental, passive aggressive, and honestly just really dangerous to her children's mental health in a thousand little ways you wouldn't even notice unless you were living in it. Basically the whole story is about them trying to keep her from finding out their secrets because they know if she ever did it would ruin their lives.

Dave Taylor: (Leia and Riley's dad) His primary flaw is that he doesn't care. His kids are teetering at the edge of the great beyond but he doesn't have the time or energy to notice them. He'll do what his wife wants if it's easy, and that often messes up Leia and Riley's lives and emotions, but since narcissism and emotional abuse takes a lot of energy he usually peters out fairly quickly.

this is available for free for everyone to read on my Patreon

Well, David's not technically a parent. But he's the main parental figure for Bobbie. He's been raising Bobbie mainly by himself since he was 16, due to their parents being gone for work frequently.

He doesn't give himself enough credit for all the work he's done :pray: