24 / 52
Mar 2021

Aya appears to be the stereotypically strong and aggressive, female character. However, she is a fragile soul with a heart that’s full of love and compassion for those she cares about.

I can’t spoil much since we haven’t gotten to her backstory yet in the latest chapters, but she is someone who’s afraid to open up to people due to a past trauma. She’s mostly a loner who enjoys her own company for majority of the time, but deeply yearns a real connection and bond with someone.

As for my opinion of her, I understand how hard it is for her to regain her trust in people once again. But I admire the fact that she does not push people away just because of her past trauma. She is cautious, but at the same time allows people (especially Rima-2nd MC. Hopefully she will open up to Kaito too - 3rd MC) to get close to her, as long as they don’t appear to have bad intentions.

Here is a picture of Aya(long hair) with Rima (pig tails) :smile:

Himuri is a overall good boy just trying his best. He wants to be everyone's friend, which is not very good. He's talkative and acts before thinking, which puts him in trouble sometimes. I think he's mostly what you'll find in your typical shounen anime, but I like him a lot.

Taisou is hot-headed, grumpy, stubborn and prefers to do things by himself. He gets pretty violent a few times. Personally though, I would give him a hug (then need medical assistance), because it's not revealed in the plot so far, but boy have been through some stuff...

Ziggy: She's rather unenthusiastic at most times. Doesn't really form attachments to people easily and is always looking for one thing or the other to while her time away. I guess you could say that she is pretty selfish and antisocial but in her viewpoint she is just being pragmatic.

Jerome: A rather happy go lucky boy whose years in the orphanage do not appear to have worn him down. He's always looking for some sort of validation from others but he is aware of this fact. Despite his apparent sunny demeanor he is rather melancholy within. He is very curious.

Mei: A girl who is extremely in love with a classmate who rejected her. Despite accepting the rejection, she still feels the need to look in the current whereabouts of the classmate when she goes missing. A rather affectionate person whose affections are wasted as people usually find her unable to read a room when it comes to other's emotions.

The thing I like about Rhunal in many ways is her impatience. As an author I try to spend enough time building the world, but not overdoing it. Rhunal mirrors my desire for something interesting to happen in the story. So about the time she has has recovered from last bout of trouble she has got into, she will go looking for more of it. The story kicks off when she refuses to give up on magical training and tries to punch her master in the head.

And fortunately Bron is there to serve as her occasional conscience/protector.

Wow this is a great prompt.
I hate literally all my characters. Lol. I made them the parts of me that I hate, and then I made them fuck each other. :smiley:

I like the detail and emotion you've put into your characters. I can tell they're really close to you.

The things I love most about my protagonist are his sense of humour, his friendliness, and his general propensity for being a forgetful and chaotic dingus. :rofl: I've written him with ADHD traits, and while they won't be as immediately apparent as they would be in a younger character (because he's had a lot longer to learn how to self-manage) I hope they'll still be relatable to people who share the condition with me.

What I really love about my main character Joyce is that despite her fears, she still pushes through even though she never thinks she strong enough to. She's intelligent and thinks on her feet, and she can definitely solve her way through a problem. The main thing holding her back though is her anxiety. She holds so much fear in her heart, and she's afraid to let other people in. It definitely causes a lot of problems for her, such as lack of communication, her irrational fears clouding her logical judgment, and not getting help when she needs it.

My comic is still just pretty much starting out, so I don't want to accidentally spoil anything so you could probably gauge a lot of the description from the way she acts in chapter 1 (though it will be more prevalent in chapter 2 and onward as well). Overall, I really love the story she has to offer, and I accidentally made her way too relatable to me than I ever meant to whoops-

Nick - I get a lot of gentleness from him. He eats like Shaggy Rogers and is incredibly intelligent. He reminds me of one those people who are more than happy to help, but only if they want to. If you try to force them, they fight. I can't wait to see what his gift turns out to be.

My MC's name is Kovreil Veisslok and he can be a bit chaotic and overwhelming (alright a lot more than a bit). Though, that's honestly one of my favorite things about him. That and his well-intentioned moral-grayness and being a comfort character who has genuinely accepting and supportive people in his life. He has a lot of built up anger and frustration but genuinely cares about the people he loves and has sworn to protect. He's like a marshmallow roasting over a fire that's burning down an entire forest.

I don't have many normal images of him alone so here's a random drawing of him I made for no reason.

Oooh, I love these types of questions!

Name: Shyba A.K.A. Red Dragon

I love that he isn't what he seems at first and that he has the potential to be a very inspiring character. I love the way he grows throughout the series and becomes more himself and more confident.

In all honesty a lot of his struggles came from personal hardships I had to face and he is very dear to my heart. So I love writing his POV and getting into his head.

My story doesn't really have a main character, so I will talk about the one I have already introduced!!
Prae isssss a very strange mink, they are very confused about the fact they have thumbs!!!!
I love them to bits!! Mostly because they're design is the simplest out of all the characters-

Hmm opinions on my MC.


Well, Keyary in my opinion just has endless room to grow as a person. She's pretty naïve, not the prettiest to look at and rather useless for the most part but I think what I can appreciate is the person that she starts becoming. I adore the fact that she's struggling with illness as it allows me to channel some of my own frustrations into the character so I feel like I've bonded with this character in a way. There's a lot of pain and suffering she endures throughout the series, and where realistically most people would have cracked, she continues to struggle on and that to me is admirable.

Dinosaur Man, struggles with his humanity and the beast inside him. this is materialized by his appearence. a struggle that if we are all honest, we have.

Spaz, the lovable cat sidekick is named after my own cat who passed away a couple years ago. He lives on in the comic.

Talexxis, shes not like other slave girls, she is a warrior and her life is forever changed when she meets dinosaur man.

This is an old pic of him but it's all I got for now

Name: Saul Torres.

Originally when i made him he didn't have that much character to him. Originally he was meant to be the average audience character and mostly about the other main characters that he interacts and how the world literally shatters beyond his belief of what is possible but then as the story slowly progress further and further he starts to become his own character. Now he has his own backstory and his own development as a character. He's kind and honest, learns a lot the more he gets into fights. But he's such a sweetheart.... or is he?

hm my mc name is ayaka... and she is too stupid and too hyper... she sometimes acts like me...and i feel sorry for giving her such tragic backstory.... i don't know if you want to check out here..the link.. thankssss

If you read Errant, you'll hopefully pick up on the fact that Rekki is not intended to be read as just a badass action chick. It'd be better to describe her as an ordinary lass with deep insecurity issues who really wants to be a badass action chick.

Rekki has a good heart and she is capable of being a heroic person and a great leader; she's extremely brave, takes initiative, makes hard decisions and supports her friends. Her weakness is her deep need for validation from authority to feel worthy. Having been a tomboy kid rejected by more traditionally feminine groups, she developed a mindset of "I'm not like other girls" and so got the community and acceptance she needed from people who celebrated her for being tough, scrappy, liking swords and not showing "girly" or "soft" emotions. This left her wide open to be manipulated by an opportunistic narcissist.

Urien has encouraged Rekki's worst, most incorrect belief about herself: That she's only worthwhile, worthy of love or even notice if she's strong, powerful, famous and a winner. She needs to learn that the thing people like about her isn't that she's a superhuman knight who can throw a car; it's that she's an earnest, caring person who tries her best, steps up to a challenge and takes responsibility for her mistakes.

This is "Sonia" until episode 5 (Her name is a plot point)
Here is her base image

I do not really like her as a character. She is some sort of plot point for my other characters but still, she is the main character searching for her real identity and how to make her life again after losing memories/beliving she was someone else.
Her most prevalent trait is to be smooth and adapt to people she talks to, she cannot have a lot of personnality by herself. Still in the confusion of loosing her identity it's perfectly normal (super hard guys, she has an intern personnality being pissed easily but she feels the right thing to do is to not show it) Still, I like drawing her face when she is trying to look normal, she does not turn her eyes away from other so she looks like she is having an attack with the big eyes and smile.

Also her cloths are adaptative depending on the region so she has a lot of colorful combinations

(my favorite is the A la paysanne look -green)