41 / 52
Mar 2021

My story doesn't really have a main character, so I will talk about the one I have already introduced!!
Prae isssss a very strange mink, they are very confused about the fact they have thumbs!!!!
I love them to bits!! Mostly because they're design is the simplest out of all the characters-

Hmm opinions on my MC.


Well, Keyary in my opinion just has endless room to grow as a person. She's pretty naïve, not the prettiest to look at and rather useless for the most part but I think what I can appreciate is the person that she starts becoming. I adore the fact that she's struggling with illness as it allows me to channel some of my own frustrations into the character so I feel like I've bonded with this character in a way. There's a lot of pain and suffering she endures throughout the series, and where realistically most people would have cracked, she continues to struggle on and that to me is admirable.

Dinosaur Man, struggles with his humanity and the beast inside him. this is materialized by his appearence. a struggle that if we are all honest, we have.

Spaz, the lovable cat sidekick is named after my own cat who passed away a couple years ago. He lives on in the comic.

Talexxis, shes not like other slave girls, she is a warrior and her life is forever changed when she meets dinosaur man.

This is an old pic of him but it's all I got for now

Name: Saul Torres.

Originally when i made him he didn't have that much character to him. Originally he was meant to be the average audience character and mostly about the other main characters that he interacts and how the world literally shatters beyond his belief of what is possible but then as the story slowly progress further and further he starts to become his own character. Now he has his own backstory and his own development as a character. He's kind and honest, learns a lot the more he gets into fights. But he's such a sweetheart.... or is he?

hm my mc name is ayaka... and she is too stupid and too hyper... she sometimes acts like me...and i feel sorry for giving her such tragic backstory.... i don't know if you want to check out here..the link.. thankssss

If you read Errant, you'll hopefully pick up on the fact that Rekki is not intended to be read as just a badass action chick. It'd be better to describe her as an ordinary lass with deep insecurity issues who really wants to be a badass action chick.

Rekki has a good heart and she is capable of being a heroic person and a great leader; she's extremely brave, takes initiative, makes hard decisions and supports her friends. Her weakness is her deep need for validation from authority to feel worthy. Having been a tomboy kid rejected by more traditionally feminine groups, she developed a mindset of "I'm not like other girls" and so got the community and acceptance she needed from people who celebrated her for being tough, scrappy, liking swords and not showing "girly" or "soft" emotions. This left her wide open to be manipulated by an opportunistic narcissist.

Urien has encouraged Rekki's worst, most incorrect belief about herself: That she's only worthwhile, worthy of love or even notice if she's strong, powerful, famous and a winner. She needs to learn that the thing people like about her isn't that she's a superhuman knight who can throw a car; it's that she's an earnest, caring person who tries her best, steps up to a challenge and takes responsibility for her mistakes.

This is "Sonia" until episode 5 (Her name is a plot point)
Here is her base image

I do not really like her as a character. She is some sort of plot point for my other characters but still, she is the main character searching for her real identity and how to make her life again after losing memories/beliving she was someone else.
Her most prevalent trait is to be smooth and adapt to people she talks to, she cannot have a lot of personnality by herself. Still in the confusion of loosing her identity it's perfectly normal (super hard guys, she has an intern personnality being pissed easily but she feels the right thing to do is to not show it) Still, I like drawing her face when she is trying to look normal, she does not turn her eyes away from other so she looks like she is having an attack with the big eyes and smile.

Also her cloths are adaptative depending on the region so she has a lot of colorful combinations

(my favorite is the A la paysanne look -green)

The personnality looks super refined and I love the message =O I want to read thanks to this so I'm adding to my list xD

Thank you! Your character designs are incredible! Love that period detail on the dresses and hats. I'll have to have a look at your comic!

We'll see each other soon then èwè

(Good reading, I sew historical clothing as a hobby so I'm obsessed with character design being based on actual patterns xD)

My comic MC XD I have a soft spot for them since I originally made them to deal with some personal issues. They're similar to me in some ways, but also have a chill attitude I guess. They're not as crazy as some protags are haha. Of course this contrasts with their scarier side lol

Character from my fanfic XD She's very troubled, but at the end of the day, she does manage to pull through. She goes through a lot but def grows from it.

Mine is literally a badass jerk. Always doing things based in if he can get some benefits from it and not or barely thinking if his way of doing things will be good for others. I mean, unless other are friends or close family he really wants to protect, he´s pretty selfish. And clever. He´s supposed to be a side character within the story he reincarnated in, but truth to be told, he looks more like the villain


I have two main characters in my story, Cassandra and Raelynn.

I love them both for too many reasons to name them all, but to name just a few:

Cassandra is strong, and extremely caring when it comes to others. Always down to help people in need(some times to a fault). She's funny, smart, and creative. At the same time she can be quick to anger(especially when concerning anyone messing with Raelynn), and at times can be too harsh on herself.

Raelynn is a kind, soft spoken book worm, with a strong desire for adventure. Her greatest foe is public speaking/speaking to new people in general. Once that hurdle is cleared she'll be the greatest friend you could want, always supportive, and tries her best to help. Since meeting Cassandra, she's been slowly trying build her self confidence, so she can be more like her, and boldly pursue her dreams.

I spent a good portion of the year before starting the comic developing these two, and really can't wait to show off more of them as the story goes on!

How can I not like Patience?
I always try to make protagonists that I somewhat like, or else I wouldn't be motivated to complete a whole-ass story with them lol.

But anyway, Patience's greatest strength and weakness is her ability to empathize with those that are outcasts or in need. This gets her into a bit of trouble, getting entangled with people (and monsters) other folks stay away from. But that's not to say she can't be a little selfish either. She can be a teensy-bit spiteful of other people that have it easy and get by with their good looks.

Here is my main character Rocky the Rock.

He is an inanimate rock that is treated like a legendary hero by allies and enemies alike. He is the chosen one to save the world from the forces of evil. Despite being an inanimate object manages to overcome the obstacles in his way thanks to many coincidences and manages to do it with style.

What i like of my main character is that is a potential comedy goldmine and encourages me to think more creatively and be more unconventional in my storytelling.

Also, i am glad i took this approach because lots of readers seem to really love the character :grin:

I'm a big fan of underdog protagonists and watching then steadily progress as they overcome every hair raising challenge thrown at them. So naturally, Volken is one of my favorite MCs to write for! Even with powers of his own, he's still the small fish in a really big pond once he finds himself in the LOSTLAND.

He's an awkward goof and not the most killed of fighters, but he's got a knack for pushing through and finding the key to victory, even when the chips are way, way down. If you like him now, wait til we get further into the story!

I'm embarrassed to say I love Theodore, my comic's MC. He's pure, he loves to make people laugh and smile, he hates when folks are sad, he's playful, he's witty and brave and terrific...he also has a terrible temper, is prone to jealousy and picks his nose when no one's looking. In short, even if they ARE often too tight, I'd love a hug or a handshake from him. Being a deity, his boogers are probs blessed anyway. c':

I love my main character Allura because she will be the hero people need her to be, but not at the cost of those she cares about. She has her own set of morals, and she has the confidence to follow them and do what has to be done. She's not a typical hero and the stress that occurs and trauma does effect all she does, and there are moments where she could easily switch to being more of a villain. She will not be a hero to all in her story :yum:


Name: Nadhine Anahita

She's very similar to me in many ways; she's stubborn, driven, hard-working, perfectionist, a bit cynical... She embodies a lot of things I went through in my late teens, my college years and 2020. I think she might be slightly difficult to relate due to her "walled-up", intimidating attitude... But, deep down, she's a softie who just suffered too much, and tries to shield other so that they don't become like her. I love her, more than I thought I would. She's helping me embrace myself <3

I see... Your comic looks interesting. I am going take a look later.
Main Character's current name: Asylon(You may call him just A)
My Opinion: i think he's funny, and kinda cute when not being totally Creepy.