24 / 185
Nov 2017

Honestly in this gif right now I am the beyond bearably excited puppy and you guys are the cat putting up with it lol


im happy i get to participate this time !!

We've said this before but Peanut Labs has an office in San Francisco and someone from Tapas should make an appointment with them.

Peanut Labs (PL) is probably the most popular bootstrap rewarded survey system available right now. There's several things about PL that makes it better than the rest. First off they offer more than just surveys, including free limited time offers and paid offers (cash back/new subscription offers) all in one encapsulated system. The free limited time offers include things like visiting a public health website page (diabetes awarness, smoking cessation, etc.) or watching a video ad. Also, because their video ads are supplied by a different vendor this would afford readers a second layer of ads to watch when they exhaust Tapas' direct ad inventory.

Secondly their system must be incredibly easy to set up and use minimal resources. We use an extremely niche website daily and they offer PL (and only PL) on their site as a way for users to earn site credits. The site has a tiny staff and only 200-400 active users, so PL had to be easy to install and immensely cost effective for them to consider implementing it.

That being said, we're not so sure how engaged Tapas users would be in answering surveys. There are already a ton of survey sites like eRewards, eMiles, and Swagbucks. If readers want to get their survey fix they can certainly do so already. Considering the time and resources involved in adding any new system at Tapas, the team should only pursue it if there is adequate demand. Right now it's really hard to tell if there is enough reader demand. After all, why tip something if it's already free?

It's good to see staff this week more engaged in trying to promote tipping. Part of the equation is reader education and awareness. A lot of users probably don't even know about the system. Furthermore the system is probably confusing to some. Staff should give some consideration to creating a staff comic series about tipping with step-by-step instructions for those who need the extra explanation.

A staff Google Doc survey would also probably go a long way in figuring out why tipping isn't wide spread. January was great in that some creators earned up to $1,500. Why can't that be every month and steadily growing? Is it reader education and awareness? Coin earning opportunity limitations? Readers not interested in participating?

One way to get readers to participate more is to make tipping a part of their daily Tapas routine. It's super easy to just forget to earn coins in general. One way to fix that would be to offer a Daily Goal system like what Swagbucks has. A Tapas Daily Goal system would be something like: 1) watch 3 video ads, 2) tip 50 coins or more, 3) tip a creator you haven't tipped before 25 coins or more, and 4) read the Daily Snack. At the end of doing all four tasks the reader would receive a bonus of 80+20 coins. The 80 coins would go immediately to that reader's account and the other 20 coins would go into a raffle pot. Once per quarter the raffle pot would be drawn to give one or a few lucky readers a towering pile of Tapas coins or a nice prize like a new laptop or an X Box One X. Big ticket drawings like that end to draw a lot more interest. GSN.com has pretty much cornered the market on that with their ChaChingo Bingo which is funded entirely by watching ads to get free entries (1 to 2 per person per hour) and then doing a drawing for a cash prize which varies between $2,000 and $18,000+ depending on the number of entries.

More large scale special opportunities would be great to see as well. So far only NC Comix (1,000 coins) and now Machine Zone (2,000 coins) have happened this year. It would be great to see Tapas try to hook up with Ibotta to get new users to use their free grocery rebate service. New referrals earn $10-20 per new user. New users get $10 after their first rebate ($.50 off a $1 pack of Tic Tacs). Cash out point is $20 for a new user and can be in Paypal or a number of gift cards like Amazon. Essentially this is $20-30 of free easy money and once that new Tapas user cashes out at $20, they can just quit the service. Getting to $20 is fairly easy given that Ibotta gives out $.25 for any receipt once per week on top of many other bonuses. This year we've surpassed $300 in earnings. Christmas is right around the corner and last year Ibotta gave away $20 for reaching 20 rebates in the month of December. The $20 was a bonus on top of the usual rebate. Consequently we were being paid to buy things like ketchup ($2 bottle, $1.50 rebate, $1 bonus = being paid $.50 to buy needed ketchup). It's a fairly sweet system if you stack your rebates and bonuses right.

It'd also be great to see Tapas get people into using Google Opinion Rewards. Again very easy to use. We've had a tablet sit at the same location for the last six months and bring in $5 just answering three step questions like, "Is this YouTube video" relevant to you. The video is simply a screen shot so you don't have to watch it and answering it gives around $.15. The money is Google Play Credits you can spend anywhere including Tapas.

Maybe Tapas could also work with Swagbucks on getting new sign ups. Swagbucks has some very nice survey opportunities from time to time. Our favorite this year was watching one hour of television and you got to pick the shows you wanted to watch (Family Feud and Big Bang Theory were our choices). Afterwards was a 5 minute survey about if we remembered the commericals and we got 1500 Swagbucks ($15.00). We've also done surveys like tasting physical cans of Cambell's Chicken Noodle soup marked #23 and #76 and then answering a survey afterwards for 1000 Swagbucks. Our favorite all time was a 45 minute phone interview about our feelings on the state of the publishing industry which paid 6000. Maybe Tapas could offer Tapas Coins on Swagbucks as a reward?

There definitely seems to be a lot of future opportunities out there to make tipping bigger and better for the benefit of all creators on Tapas. It's just a process of ingraining it into readers and making coins more easily accessible.

That's actually quite a great list of ideas, especially the Daily To-Do list thing, but the thing is, that may cost Tapas some money that'd be a bit out there. ^_^'

The thing is most online games already offer something similar and Tapas has compared itself to Candy Crush from time to time. Almost every game we play on offers some sort of daily or hourly incentive. The Machine Zone Final Fantasy 15 game (2,000 coin bonus) has a free chest every :15 to 1:00 to keep you coming back and playing. NC Comix Puzzventure game (1,000 coin bonus) has a daily login bonus.

Yes, it would cost Tapas something. However if 10,000s of people started logging on daily, every day, Tapas' Google Play ranking would skyrocket. Having a high ranking draws in 100,000s more app downloads because rankings really matter to new users. This is why Machine Zone is giving away so many free coins, they want to get their ranking up to attract even more users, resulting in a snowball effect. It's no secret that paid-to-download users attract tons of unpaid new users, which is why CPI (cost per install) rates are an actual thing in the app industry. Go look up "AppLike". The company is paid by app makers to generate new installs. AppLike takes that money and splits it with their AppLike users to download certain apps.

It's a new twist on an old idea. If you have a television show, you advertise on television about your show to get new viewers. If you have an app, you drive up your Google Play ranking by advertising your app as available to download or literally buying downloads though AppLike or, in Machine Zone's case, Tapas.

Essentially, rather than giving money to third parties to advertise, Tapas is keeping that money in house. Readers can spend it on Tapas premium stuff or give it to creators, so in a way Tapas gets a portion of that money back on the commissions, resulting in partially free advertising.

If Tapas wants to grow they're going to have to advertise some day. Doing the Daily To-Do List is a pretty inexpensive form of advertising in comparison to most other forms. Right now we're shelling out $.15 CPM / $.03 CPC to promote our series on Google AdWords... that's like 36 coins and that's a very low CPM. In comparison, TopWebComics charges around $8 CPM and Hiveworks $2 CPM. Offering 80+20 coins isn't all that much. That's about $.083/a day per user who actually completes all the tasks. Making the Daily Snack part of it and including 50% premium series is going to drive premium series sales, so Tapas is going to get a significant chunk of that money back.

If they wanted to balance it out more, Tapas could take 6 coins from every ad watched and put that towards the daily goal bonus. This way those who are watching ads but not doing the daily tasks would help carry the load for those who are.

Yes! Like Batman, I wanted to name myself after something I was afraid of so it was going to be that or the Grand High Witch.

They do change shape so your brother's costume must have been out of this world.

The "why tips something if it is already free" thing is a problem that us creators can start pushing past now already by implementing tip incentives, as I have suggested in another thread (i am currently on mobile because i am in the middle of moving out and the chaos all of that entails so i can't link it ugh sorry)

That way we can also spread awareness about the tipping feature. And help tapas in their development of any additional tiprelated features, since they get a share of the tips. When revenue increases for us, so will it for tapas. Revenue/money is a resource.

Different aspects of Tapas have varying responsibly. Tapas, for example, is 100% responsible for server maintenance and keeping CPMs up for ad revenue. Creators are 100% responsible for generating quality content in a consistent manner.

Tipping is something that falls to both parties. Staff and creators need to both keep readers aware of the function. As far as for creators, they need to do something else beyond "just goodwill" to entice readers to tip. For example, if you are planning on a physical printing (e.g. $15) and individual readers tip that much, by all means, send them a copy once the print run is done. Other creators have had other ideas in the past beyond just this. It would be great if Tapas built a list of creators who are offering something extra for tippers and promote that. Right now the tipping tile on the app has been essentially the same for the last six months. It could use an update.

Maybe staff and creators can also work together to create a "culture of tipping" where its pretty much the norm to tip series that you are reading. 25 coins per page or 6 panels works out to $4 for a 200 page graphic novel, which is less than a cup of coffee.Tipping could go a very long ways to helping creators create if every single subscriber chipped in something. Maybe Tapas could create an automated pop up after 50 views of any series they are reminded to tip and there's already a 25 coin button waiting for them to tap.

you and me both,
not only the tipping event is back, i am also, since i just finished my midterms, but who cares about me crosses hands
gotta tip them all!

I am definitely new so I won't have tipping active on my work but I am saving up my coins and ill probably buy the "only once" bundle of coin to give to some good creators I eyed1 on the website!
Amazing initiative

Is it still available? How long will this event's email activation requestl last? Hope I can make it. :innocent:

I'm still waiting for my account's activation. Already sent an email. Mr. Michael Son is probably getting tons of requests right now. I'll wait for it. Hihihi! :relaxed: