9 / 22
May 2017

Hi, I'd be interested in this or other future collaborations. For line art, I charge $25 dollars per page and it normally takes me half a day to a single day to draw a page like what you are asking (4 to 6 panels).

This is my latest, ongoing comic, Infected Blood17 (which, incidentally, has several hands in the very first pages). You can also take a look at some of my older, shorter stuff, like Dynamic Spores7 (plenty of hands) and Forever Yours6 (more hands), for which I only did the art, the writer is Amalockh1)


I'm interested. My page rate is $35, already inked (I work digitally). Usually it's 1 page/day, but it can vary depending on the amount of background detail the scene requires.

You can see my latest work on Children of the Moon20. (please refer to the latest pages to judge my actual skills, since it has been almost a year I started this comic.). The comic is colored by my wife, so if you're interested in coloring it too, we can talk.

Hope you find your artist soon =)

hi, im interested, here you can see some sequences https://tapas.io/episode/62605817 i charge 12$ per page, if you are interested in collored pages reply this comment so we get in touch via email.

a page took me 3 to 5 hours depending on the illustration required

Hmm I really like drawing psychological thrillers/dramas that are more on the mature side. I've always loved seinen manga.

Hi ! I'd be interested !
My webcomic is on hiatus but you can read it here : https://tapas.io/episode/45315813
I also worked on 2 experimental one shot (full line-art, no colors) back in the day (around 2014), that you can find here : http://www.youblisher.com/p/821933-Origami-ENG/4
I'm more comfortable drawing "serious" content and I don't usually shy away from drawing hands.

My page rate is usually 40$ for the all process (storyboard, sketch, ink and colors), in this case I take 1 day per page or 2 if I am on tight deadline like when I was working on The Whisperer.
Since you said it'll be just for the lineart, does it mean the storyboard (composition, layout and stuff) and the sketches are already done ? If so, my price will be at 20$ per page. If not, it'll be at 25$ per page. (I'll probably manage to make 2 page a day but it obviously depends on the details of a scene)

Hey! This would be my first job if ever I'm taken for it, but it sounds like fun and I'd like to try! I think 20-25$ a page would be fair with me, I'd like to see what kind of artwork you're interested in me doing first.

In any case I'm interested, so look me up if you're still searching!

EDIT: Oh and I'm not posting samples because my default is kinda anime-ish, but I'm into trying different styles depending on the story Im working on.

Sorry for the late reply I'll send you a PM.

Quick details, this current oneshot is already take but I'm trying to work one other one shots featuring a deaf lead characters. I'm hoping to jump into different genres but my focus will be on drama, fantasy, cyberpunk, and slice of life As for art style I'd say simple in design with very few details for efficient sequential art.