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Nov 2023

Hey, friends. I don't know if you heard, but ever since RoboCop Rogue City came around, I've been keeping up with the possibility of a revival of the lore. It turns out my hunch was right. For months now, Paramount+ has been working on a new RoboCop TV series!

I know that the 2014 reboot was not good, but that was one bad egg out of many things in the huge RoboCop universe. Considering how much love was put into Rogue City, I have faith that a good new TV series would be great!

And at the risk of being bold, I would even be open to a reboot that is well done with a RoboCop who has up to date tech and medical science applied to him. I mean, in today's day and age (sort of) Alex Murphy could be saved well enough to be human and be able to still be happily married.

What's your opinion on this?

  • created

    Nov '23
  • last reply

    Nov '23
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Honestly I'm kinda tired off the constant stream of sequels, reboots and remakes. Seems that these days all the big studios are interested in, is milking all of their old IP's dry.

Hell, Warner Brothers even said Harry Potter and LotR are "underused" properties.

Give me new shit please, or adapt some obcure book to a film or series.

Maybe I'm a forgiving person, but I'm open to both when well done. In the defense of reboots, not everything new is good either. While I think having original ideas is a good thing to start with, it has to be good.

It might be interesting seeing what studio executives consider the story to be about. A hero cop brought back to fight crime? Or corporate interests shoving the corpse of a man into a tank, and turning into a brand for profits. I think the latter might be a bit too meta what with the studio themselves never letting robocop rest forever.

I'm on the fence. I've seen good and bad remakes. I think it can work, but you would need to understand the point of RoboCop to get it right.

Peter Weller open to RoboCop possible if script is good. Depending on if studios are interested in another RoboCop movie.

Some lore is worth expanding and when I say "reboot" I don't reinventing Alex Murphy. It could be a whole new RoboCop entirely. I mean, there's more than one Spider-Man, Flash and recently, Batman. If we told the story the same way all the time, that would get dull.