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Nov 2015

Hi! I'm creator of What QQ1, a silly autobio comics. I'm wondering, do you autobio comics creators usually ask for friend/family's permission to use them in the comics?

My autobio comics aren't really about serious deep emotional experiences/sensitive topics but I still do occasionally ask my friend/family if it's ok for me to include them in and share the comic with the world. Me, personally I don't care if a friend went ahead include me into their comics, but I know some people are a bit sensitive about that. Just wondering what an autobio comics creators normally do.

I've spoken to raw autobio graphic novel creators and some said yeah they went ahead without really asking for permission and actually lose some friends. One creator obscured the faces of people in their lives to protect their identity, but their family still figured out and ended up being on no speaking term with them. To them, it's very important to talk honestly about their lives, traumatic experiences involving family/friends. I have so much respect for them for that.

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    Nov '15
  • last reply

    Nov '15
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For Today Nothing Happened1 I didn't specifically ask if people were okay with being in the comic, though everyone who knew me well at the time kinda knew what they were getting into, haha. I was drawing the comics before I started posting them online, and I'd gotten enough positive response from everyone that I didn't feel weird about sharing them!
But my goal in TNH was to never make anyone look bad or dumb except for me! If there was something I thought would be really funny but would make a friend look kinda dumb, I always tried to ask "hey is it okay if I make a comic about such-and-such?" I also had a standing policy with my friends that real-life romance wouldn't show up in the comic no matter what, just to avoid the most obviously contentious topic and make everyone comfortable that their secret crushes wouldn't be broadcast to the internet.

I have tons of respect for the people for whom raw realness is important and they're determined to be true to their work whether they have others' blessing or not. But TNH wasn't really that kind of comic; it was something I wanted my friends to feel good about as well! I was extremely grateful to everyone for letting me share all our stories on the internet and in return I wanted them to be as comfortable as possible.

That said, I was very lax about asking -- I wanted to have as much creative freedom as possible -- so plenty of "minor characters" were in the comic without ever knowing they were in the comic, and occasionally I ran into things where a friend felt they were misrepresented or made fun of in a way I didn't expect, and all I could really do was apologise and be more careful later.

My friends and family were all SUPER cool about my journal comic though, on the whole, so I never felt like I had to choose between them!

My comics Veronika's Little World is all about my family, so naturally I let them know what I'm going to write although I don't formally ask for their permission. It's more like by way of sharing ideas and the fun of drawing the comics in the first place. But then again, my comics is light-hearted and I have no sensitive/serious matter in the storyline. Plus, I don't write about my family in negative light as I want them to have a laugh together with me. I really think people who are drawing about sensitive issue relating very closely to a friend or family member should really have a heart-to-heart before he/she even draws anything on paper.

(But then again, even though I'm all for keeping the peace, people's situations differ, and who knows the artist isn't on good terms with the friend/family member in the first place)

When I used to do autobio comics, I never really asked permission. My family and friends knew that I drew them and sometimes would often make suggestions about what should be my diary comic for the day.

I did have a family member ask me to take something they said out of a comic once, which I was fine with.

I've thought of making autobio comics a couple of times, but I never have the guts to ask people about it...? I guess most of my friends would be okay with it. My boyfriend takes privacy more seriously, though, so I don't know if he'd like to show up in an autobio comic seen by lots of strangers x'D

I have some deep respect for people who've managed to make autobio comics of traumatic experiences and other harsh stuff. I think autobio comics are a great way of self-discovery and I'd love to do something like that! someday, maybe.