10 / 61
Nov 2021

In my latest completed episode of Karamador, I had the most fun of making this scene on page 18.

And especially this panel:


this is my fist panel from episode 3 :blush:
i just experiment to draw chibi :sweat_smile:
but for me its one of my most favorite part :heart_02:

...Damn, this is going to be a hard one. But here they are.

A person I greatly respected, may she rest in peace, once said, "You will always find people fighting their own battles wherever you go. If you listen closely, you would be able to hear their own unique symphony." Having said that, in this society, many of us are taught... to conceal our struggles and hide our true selves from the world, replacing them with only a shadow of ourselves. You may feel powerless or even exhausted during turbulent times. But make no mistake, you are not weak. It's only human to feel these things. Thus, it is okay to feel vulnerable and weak, even the strongest of us can fall sometimes. What matters most is that we must learn to stand back up again and continue to navigate this complicated journey known as life.

In her distant memory, she recalled pulling her father's sleeve gently, gazing at her father with her bright iridescent eyes as she asked, "Why aren't people answering their calls for help, Father?" Hearing that, her father chuckled as he gently patted her head and replied, "That's just the way it is. Not all people are going to help the less fortunate.. not when they have what they need in life." The young girl lowered her head for a moment, before looking back at her father, her iridescent eyes seemingly shone like a jewel as she muttered. "But how can they be so selfish? Looking down on people who are below them won't solve anything... It isn't fair to those who weren't born into the same circumstances as they were..." Once again, her father smiled warmly at her and answered, "My jewel, it's not always possible to get what we want in life, but we can make the most of what we have."

Like a fading memory seemingly out of her grasp, she vaguely recalled how her younger brother used to gaze at her in awe as she drew pictures on the ground, seemingly bringing those illustrations to life. Back then, the young girl realized... nothing was more important to her than seeing her younger brother's innocent smile.

....Literally just realized I couldn't have chosen one, but yeah. The first one is from the first episode, Prologue. Whereas the second and third one is from the second episode, Origins of Revnium's Successor: Part 1.

Lol, I love the "You made me miss the bus" one!! I may check this one out!

Thank you! I've always like that part too!

Your art is so clean and prestin! That's truly amazing!! Keep up the great work!!!

Holy crap! Have you almost drowned before? I'm only asking because this seems super realistic!! You can feel the panic of him slowly fainting from the lack of oxygen and shock. It's amazing!!!

Woah! Your art feels so creepy!! It honestly reminds me of Edgar Allan Poe and his works...I mean the feeling of creepiness that is. The last panel reminds me of 'The Tell-Tale Heart'. When the guy starts to loose his sanity.

Haha thankfully, I haven't had that experience before! :joy: Thank you so much though! I'm really happy to hear it sounds realistic. :heart_03:

Awesome post @Nakasuka and lol at the siblings teasing each other she didn't change her batteries in quite a long time it seems lol The heroes in mines are also siblings Owen and Ada might get along good filming everything with their camera and camcorder lol

The scene I enjoyed making the most so far is where the bigger brother, Evan discovers his calling and purpose by using his unusual saliva ability as a weapon
(an unfolding mystery in itself).
This moment comes courtesy of being slapped in the face during battle lol

I left out the actual stabbing incase it too gory for forums, but he follows up by making his 1st spit sword:

It's a video game themed comic, so there's a Playstation/ Xbox trophy gag at the end of his kill too :video_game: I cropped the actual slaying but here's the trophy:

There are chapters ahead I'm dying with excitement to make but this is the fave for now.

My goodness @stiatent, that's hecka cool!!! Your art looks kinda like a 3d anime or something close to it!!! In all honesty, I got super grossed out when Evan spit in his hand to test it out...I've got this disagreement with loose spit...but how he used it in battle was awesome!!! Also, I'm sure Ada would be all for a new friendship with Owen, he just better be prepared to be dragged into possible haunted places at the dead of night! :sweat_02:

This is still my personal favorite page. Nothing more satisfying drawing your main kicking ass. Panel 4 is, as of now, my personal favorite panel yet.

It tells everything about her without having a single word.