1174 / 2094
Apr 2021

"But before I can see the soldier’s reaction a blazing fire, yelling and gunshots echo in the narrow hallways that the soldiers had noisily populated only moments before."

“Thank you, barkeep!” I cheered and took my second shot.

Before they touched the dry sand, their fins turned into legs, and the tights they wore were the same colors as their fins.

Laying on the desk below the monitor is a picture of me, or rather, a wanted poster of Red Dragon.

They did not look like warriors, but instead were builders, craftsmen and craftswomen.


“Yes, I am... I have changed.” Maedra stared into the rushing stream. “I have no interest in this life anymore.”


"“This will only hurt a little bit, but you will be mine. Forever.” And he bit down; Luka’s scream piercing through the cabin as his body lurched upward. Soon, though, he turned quiet and moved into Alfie’s touch, his body savoring the feeling."

So powerful, thought Felisa, yet almost dead.

Chapter 16

If I fight here, I will no longer be welcome in her house.

But the smirking face, shining eyes and rosy-pink lips made it hard for the young Earl to dismiss such a request.

"Does it matter? Why not just stab me after and get this --- done with? I'm not going to spend my life running around like a bloody, --- monster sucking blood or whatever they do," I hiss at her, anger flooding throughout my body.

“But who will be chief now?” Hari argued. “And please don’t look at me.”


“We are sisters bonded by the elements.” The redhead told her. “I will know whenever your need of me arises and so will you of mine.”


“Ok, Samara.” I spoke slowly. “Good job. Let’s just go. Leave him there. He’s a god. He won’t die if you leave him tied up for a bit.”

I don’t know… I just… feel like… I just don’t know how to help her.

She knew each of the Sashaine there by name, voice, footfall and scent; and not one of them knew she even existed.


Tau watched him with a smile as Chris drifted off to sleep.

scifi + romance + alienXhuman + future + slowburn + MPREG + lgbtq + tentacles + asexual characters

Curse was cast upon the Damaris nobility way, way back and it hasn’t been lifted up until now. No one remembered who cursed the kingdom and how they did it but everyone knew that they were still paying the price of what their ancestors did many generations ago.

Episode 4 of Talipandas


I mean, who gets themselves stranded in the middle of an abandoned science laboratory during an apocalypse?!