1291 / 2094
Jul 2021

The house was not a large one, but nor was it a small one. It was simply a house.
(this is from the latest oneshot in my horror series, so be warned)

"…and God knows how I’d give everything up just to repeat this kind of silence with you."

He had underestimated how fuck up his mental companion truly was, that Zaily was more of a monster than any could have possibly imagined.

Collapsing onto the bed, falling into a deep sleep, dreaming of my forbidden crush.

The only doors within the ring of light were opening. :sparkles:

I closed my eyes, trying not to think of a ghost.

One thought was front and centre in my mind.

(Pardon my french)

" Lucky her foot. Her fiancé was a jackass. "

"No one knows where they came from, but Mîn believes they experienced something awful and ran here to escape."

"I can't look the other way."

"No! She’ll run away with minny then they’ll be happy, right?"- from ch. 6. The Emperor Wouldn't Approve

“It’s too late he’s already in his boxers. Grinding on the pole shaking his ass.” -from ch.7 part 2- How Did End Up In His Shirt!

The large entrance hall was deserted and; in the pale light of dawn, the varnished floor seemed even colder, almost cruelly so. Even the walls, supposed to be painted in beige, seemed grey and colourless as if the tension in the house had absorbed all their vigour.

Since Des went off to play superhero, I’ve had to watch Penn hack up a lung, blow her nose like she might never stop, and contort her face in the wildest way so she didn’t sneeze so much.

He likes 'soft' women?

The sight of Connor's name on the screen of his phone was the only thing that stopped Kyle from running.