810 / 1601
Sep 2020

"Fighting is not fucking clacking sticks together."

  • from the script for Vainglory: Love Stories, an upcoming narrative comic

Biting my lip in helpless frustration, I rose to my feet and hurried off to comply with his wishes, thinking that at least once this is over, we can finally travel to Korea and get him the help he desperately needs.

Your Comments especially appreciated, thank you .................... :smile:

He just had to believe her, trust her and maybe, just maybe, he would be okay.

This is a great thread! Some great lines coming out here :smiley:

She breathed in deeply getting a scent of floral, it smelt heavenly making her mind cloud over.


cause i'm looking to find art tutorials to help find more of my style c:

“Oh, Arden.” She replied almost shyly. “I couldn’t have possibly known... but I am so glad, for all of us.”


As soon as his back was turned, Alexander stuck his tongue out at him juvenily.

From my new spin-off novel(?):

Myung seemed to think before that we had fallen victim to a kind of dirty joke that relates to the others with bananas, but maybe I'm too innocent to understand such things~?

Well, the last sentence I edited is in book 30 (out of 73 completed story) of my series (only released up to page 7 book 1).

"I just still don’t know how to feel about everything. I’m being hunted, but I also feel at home for the first time in my life."

It was almost like it was left-over broth from a soup they had already taken all of the flavor out of.

He didn’t chose this stupid stroke of luck and if everyone would laugh at him, well, he’d make them regret it in the long run… somehow.

Here's mine:

  • Suddenly, a loud boom rang through the broken alleyway, as a vehicle rode through the air. Quickly, it drove right into the man's face, knocking him straight to a wall.

All the suspicion and uneasiness Maedra felt toward the girl melted away like morning frost in the sunshine.


The coffee in her cup sloshed as her hand trembled, before her other hand came out to support her steady her hand. "Maybe I am making stupid decisions one after the other."

This is a few chapters away from the current one :wink:

The mirror reflected a crooked grin under the perma-stunned eyes, straining to stay put. Luckily, the weight of the wide brow kept them in their sockets. Gorgeous, yeah…

"This is crazy."

What exactly is crazy? Well, this particular episode comes out on Saturday, but in the meantime you can read the previous episodes here:

“Yes, eat up, cousin.” Rubia told him. “Another hot meal like this may be a while coming.”
