423 / 1632
May 2021

I decided it was a good to finally jump into digital painting. Me: It's gotta be at least somewhat similar and more forgiving than traditional.
A couple hours later... I made a mistake. Where the hell are my oil paints?
There may end up being two versions of this cover: this thing, and a traditional Bob Peak and Pat Nagel inspired fashion illustration.

I've felt a bit more productive this evening. So far it has taken me approximately 2 hours. And I think I'd estimate another 2 to finish up. But then again, I'm always so picky with the details :see_no_evil:...

sonic 30th aniversarry is coming up in june so there's a thirty days of sonic thing going on on twitter so i'm reviving my old fan characters for the prompts

everything is probably still gonna be sketchy but i'm excited to mess around with the ogs that got me into making stuff

edit: also this ones a nod to sonic chronicles (ds game), which alongside sonic x, the archie comics and a bunch of fan content was a big inspiration for me when it came to worldbuilding