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Jul 2020

I am looking to update my current comic cover as it was only meant to be a placeholder because I was looking to publish the first few scenes in time for a zine fest in Portland. But then the pandemic hit so I figured I would wait to publish and build up a following instead. However, it's really hard for me to visualize comic covers and I've been looking for inspiration.

Feel free to post your comic covers below! I love seeing people's artwork and I hope it will kickstart my brain to get more creative with my cover.

For example, this is my current cover, which I still like, but I feel I could have a better one.

Right now I'm just using my Chapter One cover for my series cover...

I like it well enough, and it does capture the feel of the story, but lately I've been contemplating making a proper series cover.

I like the traditional american comic vibe that your cover has! It has a good retro vibe and the colors really catch my attention!

Here's my current one. It says almost NOTHING about the comic on the surface lol. BUT my comic is greek mythology themed so I'm having my characters recreate the poses of famous statues of the gods. This one's modeled after the statue from the temple of Zeus at Olympia.

I really like this cover! I like how you can get a good idea about what each character is like from their expression and the formatting of everything is really easy on the eyes.

Your characters are so cute! I like the bold color choices and how they all work really well with each other. I think you're absolutely right on how they convey your art style! I really like them!

Even though your cover doesn't convey much about the comic, but I can still get the Grecian vibe from your style and font choice. Everything has very harsh angles and firm lines, pretty similar to certain greek art. It's subtle, but it works!

I just updated mine yesterday!! Hopefully it captures my characters' personalities and overall vibe of the comic even if it's pretty minimalist. Your art is gorgeous btw, can't wait to see what you come up with!

This looks good! I think a minimalist approach can be pretty useful, as it keeps the focus where it needs to be. I like the expressions you have going on here, it makes me feel the dynamic between these two.

I really like the style you have going on here! The character designs are also so unique from each other, it really helps distinguish them all. Awesome work!

I'm still working on my buffer so my comic is not up (I'm hoping for a September release date), but... Here's my cover:

It actually tells everything you ever need to know about the story, but it won't be obvious until the end :smiley:

Graphic design and composition has never been my strong suit so I find covers to be kinda challenging. Because you have to think of it with the text as part of the image and I am sooooooo bad at that. The habit I picked up recently that has been a bacon-saver is making sure to zoom out to like 8% and see if the cover still makes sense. Because that's roughly what your readers will see while they're glancing over hundreds of covers.