360 / 457
Feb 2022

I have two comics (soon 3), I hope it's okay to post all the covers!

(Not released yet)

Mine's a placeholder too, actually! Well... sorta. I don't really intend to stop and make a real comic cover, at least not for now. I'll just make chapter covers and use them for the comic. All that said, I'm happy with it for now.

5 months later

Yours looks really cool :heart_03: I like the second one especially. Both make you want to look at them more and just look at all the different things happening.

Alternate cover made for LOSTLAND Chapter 3!

1 month later

What do you guys think?

4 months later
8 days later

It's nice to quick scroll this old thread to see if I've posted it or not (ya I did posted it), and also viewing the older comic covers. :slight_smile: