Here is a preview of my latest episode of my weekly Sunday series. Feel free to post yours as well.
Here's mine. I recommend to reading in order.
mine updated yesterday!.
New chapter released!
In this episode, the fight between Akala and Claudita begins...
cricket cicada noises... on hiatus......until july, maybe august...
Here is my stuff!
We are up to chapter 10 in Sara’s journey - she’s discovered some hard truths about Liliana Harrington’s world, and what she might have to do to survive…
May edition!
Just got back to uploading more of my comic again, so here's the newest update o/
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I just released Chapter 10 {Route to Rococo's} for Paradox V Virus!
Have a daily comic strip called The Experiment check it out, let me know if you like it or if you don't either way is cool with me. The Experiment
Just updated yesterday and, in a few hours, two parts are set to be published.
Just added part 8 of my comic
Vol 2 of an ongoing series, check it out here (split in two parts)