18 / 249
Jul 2019

oh heck, guess I didn't post my latest page because the forum was down. so, technically this is the update from July 30 ._.

My goodness, I didn't post anything in forever!
So how about this then:

Read the rest of the comic here:

Or maybe even join our brand new discord channel:

New page for Phantom Reign.

PHANTOM REIGN is a community-driven webcomic. A man just woke up on a beach and you can decide what he will try to do next. You can comment on tapas6, webtoons or instagram. The most popular comment determines his next actions! I would be happy to read your suggestions!

It might be late and I might be stressed but I have a new page

The scroll-y version is here!

It's almost the 4th of July and Shana brings this up...


July is the last month of Chapter 1. 94 pages total. What a ride.

In 30 words or less:
Young, troubled king tries to stop decline of Early Modern Empire with state sponsored, propagandized spec ops team.
He pulls talent from lawmen and criminals. The situation degenerates.

Finally I've got a page to post :')