102 / 230
Mar 2021

My comic is still very much in its introduction, but this week we're learning a bit more about all the characters... including the normally quite stoic Benji!

Thanks for posting! I just read your first few pages and I am super intrigued. I think your character "Mike" would be good friends with our character "Devan."

The second to last pages for Killing the Undead's second adventure "GHOST HOUSE" is up now! We update every Sunday (which is the day AFTER we all have a zoom meeting to change everything each week). When all else fails ... pull out your lighter.
Killing the Undead latest pages

What choice does a deeply impulsive girl with a degree in Folklore have BUT to skip the border, kidnap her two best friends, and force them on an epic monster hunting road trip across North America?

Just uploaded a new episode of Future Agents!

I checked out your comic too and it's super fun! I love supernatural comedies.

Not to get too much into spoilers :smirk:, but uhhh Wyrd will also feature a camping van rather prominently... westfalias for the win!

It's page 98 of Errant and things are heating up! Page 99 is also up to read over here:

:smiling_imp: Pleased to meet you :sunglasses:

Here comes ours! It's an action/fantasy samurai story with lots of extras! Please, let us know what you think about it: