43 / 120
Oct 2021

Just posted my newest page, just a chill little couple scenes between besties

New page up!

Situation went from "Oh what an awful accident!" to "Oh. This wasn't an accident, was it?" real fast.
(Mild blood/gore warning. But, like, very mild.)

No time for tension Kit, you have a wounded bird to take care of! The newest episode of Murphy's Law is now up!

Here is a quick preview for the latest episode of my series, Capture the flag.

New page of ' Letters Home'!

One of two pages for this update. Next two pages come out this Friday!

My latest comic strip is here, but it probably doesn't make much sense if you didn't follow Game of Thrones fan theories. :slight_smile:

Updated couple of days ago.Currently working on with YT channel where one Webcomic was originally based.As if now,just focused on Kira.Feel free to check and sub if interested.

Continuing the month long Halloween story arc with a page dump!