98 / 240
Aug 2017

In our latest update, our no-good heroes find themselves surrounded by giant sun bacterias! Also we have a contest going if people want to check that out :slight_smile:

That last panel is so dope! Love the colour scheme <3

Latest from

Drawing the last panel made me legit upset. Also it made my brow hurt because I kept furrowing my eyebrows trying to figure out the expression I wanted to use, lol.

Tomorow's update: I think I'm gonna keep uploading things here early :V It's kinda fun.

Read the rest here:

my latest updated a couple days ago, and I'm really proud of it! I tend to keep a much regular grid, and it's a challenge to draw dynamic scenes.
Also, I'm just 6 subs short to reach the big 200, so if you spare some time for a new comic....DAWN OF THE DAD