144 / 242
Mar 2018

New on Tapastic , This is my newst page > Hope you will like it

Also here's the link aswell , Please subscribe me if you like it !

this week on Reus: can you handle the sass?

color pages because this moment is important :U

Thank you for the compliment. Love the facial expressions on your characters, and it's nifty how the eyes still carry through easily even with all the hair detail in front of them, that can be tricky to do but you got it just right.

Just a quick piece today about the closing of another piece of childhood nostalgia...

RIP, Toys R Us.

Today I published last page of first chapter of my comic and I never thought I'll be able to get this far. xD

This page isn't out yet, so no text (to avoid spoilers); but it technically IS my latest page! (Page 178, in fact!)

From this comic:

Hasn't every kid at some point tried to say something like this to avoid getting in trouble?