160 / 242
Mar 2018

This page isn't out yet, so no text (to avoid spoilers); but it technically IS my latest page! (Page 178, in fact!)

From this comic:

Hasn't every kid at some point tried to say something like this to avoid getting in trouble?

Not a new page, but refs of four most important characters.

The first page of Voidchild, Chapter 3 - Part 3!

Here is the latest page of Rocky the rock

New update today!

You know you've screwed up when a goofball like Link is the voice of reason. Audrey needs to take a damn seat. :expressionless:

Wanna catch up with Kamikaze? Head here! vvvvv

Pandora's Scar's definition of urban fantasy: Where walking down a street at the wrong time of night gets you chased by monster wolves, and you run into your school mate (and maybe-crush) who's brandishing medieval weaponry :grin:

Things about to escalate from this on.

This time a chapter cover. xD

Remember those cartoons you watched as a kid, but didn't understand all the jokes until you were an adult?

My latest page/comic strip about independence :smiley: