17 / 34
Jan 16

just released chapter XVI

Let me tell you a tale.

From the Dead Oceans, Kumamoto Setsune reawakens after thirty hundred years. Without a home, with who knows how much time left, and with her life the target of many an Aeternum, Disaster Beast, and more, she travels towards her old home. In the Great City of Rem, she seeks to find something for herself.

Welcome to the Recycling Theatre, enjoy your stay
Genres: Fantasy, Action, Drama
Sub genres: LGBTQ, Slow Burn, Sci Fi
Inspirations: Gintama, Symphogear, Castlevania

A new chapter of my webcomic is finally out! You can go and check it out! Likes, comments and shares are appreciated!

I’m releasing another new episode early, mostly because I’m experimenting with the best time to upload. It’s pretty exposition heavy TBH, but I tried to keep it as intresting as I could. The two leads are officially partners now, just in time for someone with murderous intent to track them down.