187 / 371
Jan 2022

Chapter 6 – Hunter and Prey – of my novel I Am Hektor is out now :dagger:

I really enjoy writing the story so far... Check it out if you like :upside_down:

Here's an espionage thriller I've just been working on recently. it's about a Ukrainian spy sent to Yugoslavia to kill the leader of the League of Communists, Josep Tito

this is my novel - please subscribe and read. TIA

Hi heres mine and the link: :smiley:


Hi! Thanks for the thread!

Ever wanted a stick figure isekai? Welp. Here you go:
Genre: Isekai, Romance, School

Here's my comic Black Wings!! I work a lot for it: the characters, the worldbuilding and lore, the pages... whoever who is seeing this post, give it an opportunity please! :two_hearts:

Amèlia dies and gets sent to Hell, where she has to work under the first and famous Prince of Hell, Lucifer, to pay for her sin of pride.
The glamorous prince plans to make a grand return and conquer Heaven for all of demonkind. But how will he pull off such a large-scale conquest?

Feel free to check and sub if you like,will sub back.

Here's mine!

Title: Leveling up to Live
Genre: Fantasy, action

Do you believe in people coming back from the dead? What if I tell you that those who came back to life actually survived a formidable game led by the bizarre antics of the gods?

Chapter 3 is already uploaded!

Updated my comic Witchy Life¨

The series is a mystery spy comic about special operations soldiers in a clandestine unit created by US central command to stop a nuclear war. It updates bi-weekly on Fridays, so I hope you enjoy it!
Genre: Action, Mystery

Hello, this is my novel. The genres are slice of life. comedy, and drama. It's about a college student who is attending in-person classes again along with other issues she experiences. The themes include diversity, sexuality, mental health, friendship, and youth.

Hello, Thanks for the thread
Title: Infinite Strike
Genre: Action/ Fantasy/ Drama