I am Bulgarian
I live in Bulgaria
My music taste is just such a mess, mostly stuck with the things I used to listen in my early teens - classic rock, disco, anime OST, ballet, punk rock,1990s/ 2000s pop, classic vocaloid,Marina and the diamonds... and I think the meme "when I put my music on shuffle" is the embodiment of it.
My favourite book - too many and my brain stopped working - mostly Pratchet's work, Dumas, bulgarian poets. I also read a lot of manga.
This is a great idea!
-Texas, at the edge of a desert where the tumbleweeds roam. Or somewhere in my head between reality and imagination.
-I pretty much like anything as long as it's good. I've been really into lo-fi here lately though.
-My favorite novel is probably the Maximum Ride series (even though I hated the ending) and I'm really into manga so my favorite comics would be: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Tokyo Ghoul, Dengeki Daisy, Fruits Basket. It's really hard for me to pick just one
hi im bo
i am autistic, i have ADD and ADHD, i am trans (f-m) and i am pansexual, i am a true blue dck head (australian) i love working with my hands (i actually got the citizenship and innovation student of the year for the hard work i did while helping rotary build wheel chairs that are now in ethiopia) i love heavy metal, metal, punk, rock, punk-rock, alternative, and dubstep.
here is my comic
Welp, I'm not doing much so I'll give it a go!
My name is Techno-Danger but everyone just calls me Tech. I'm an almost adult who's got both too much and not enough time on their hands. I'm also female.
In response to the thing above:
-Brisbane, in a trash can
-AJR. Just AJR entirely, you can't make me pick just 1 song when they're all so good! (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?playnext=1&list=PLwbwnBjppAJQPEvsR0GGY20Y_qdLSrt0b&feature=gws_kp_artist)
-I can't really choose a favourite story since I love so many so I'll just say fantasy, fiction, comedy and romance are my fav genres.
I have a slice of life comic where I dump random bits of my art called Tech's-Trash (cause it's all trash, believe me) and a novel where I write random short stories, either about my friends or about a world where my characters live in and some of their conversations and it's called Random Ramblings of a Rambler (because I talk too much).
Thanks for reading!
-Spanish (i dont like it tho lol)
-In Tarragona
-I love 70ies glam rock and rock in general. My favourite artists... i could say T.Rex, Michael Monroe and Patti Smith or the Runaways I guess. I also listen to pokemon music though hahahahaha
-too many to say? maybe Saint Young man is a comic I love hmmmm Utena too... I like too many comics idk as a videogame I have no doubt it is pokemon, animal crossing too HAHAHA (yeah im a pokemon freak)
I love cats and thats important too. And I'm an alternative fashion designer and a freak of alternative rock and japanese fashions
idk what else, I love demonology? the proof is my comic hahah:
Heya, lets give this a try
- American
- East coast USA
- I'm really into vaporwave lately. Bands like FM Skyline are my jam
- Too many options to pick from... umm, The Secret History by Donna Tartt is phenomenal and one I can read 100 times and get something different from each read through.
I make a comic about cute animal guys falling in love and working retail jobs with surreal horror creatures as customers.
Its also being translated into Spanish!
Your nationality
I'm Australian!
Where you live
Renting a cute townhouse in a place called Fremantle. It's a port suburb, on the ocean, and is known as being the artsiest area in my city. Lots of heritage buildings, a gorgeous big park, beaches, heaps of cafes and resturaunts, butcher, bakery and greengrocer all within walking distance... I love it here. (The hot weather is lame, but it's beautiful in winter when it's rainy.)
Your favourite music
I have a huge soft spot for Celtic music. Otherwise, jazz.
Favourite novel/comic
Novel - His Dark Materials Trilogy
Comic (Currently) - Punderworld
Such an international community we got here!
Nationality: American (but some people can't really tell)
Residence: Near US-Canada border, USA
Favorite Music: Oh so many, I can't decide! Life's too short to dance to just one tune.
Favorite novel/comic: Too many to list but currently I'm reading the Locke & Keyes series by Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) and some of Rene Descartes' essay for research purposes (when will the anime on that come out??)
I'm Icy and I'm a lesbian artist from New Zealand! I listen to a variety of stuff but a big fav is definitely Taylor Swift!
Some current favs:
Yoooooo lol
I'm American
I'm from Iowa which means there's nothing heeeeeere!
My favorite music is very all over the place, but constantly I will always love musicals and anime music
And currently my favorite comics or novels are One Piece, Black Clover, Dr. Stone or if you want one on this app The Witches Thrown is chefs kiss bruther
And lastly here is my fantasy, comedy, action adventure webcomic. I promise the art gets better lmao