18 / 49
Aug 2024
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20 days later

I’m not going to post the worst art I’ve made but I'm going to post some of the earlier exploratory sketches of the characters. Mostly to get a feel for the characters and the universe. Some of the details and proportions are a little wonky.

(The first proper sketch of Corrine along with Nives)

(This sketch helped solidify Alex's design)

(The first sketch of Rose with Arobase. This one help cement the idea that people in the Abyss have traditionnal cloth).

Anyway, you see the proper version of those designe here:

I like the art style of the bottom right one

Funny idea for a thread here goes. The top panel I was never much of a fan of it....



Thanks! @Leyelle

Yes that was one of the styles I liked from this batch, but eventually I decided for something a little simpler and rounder

Let me show you a bit more of the development based on that drawing you mention

12 days later

a few early concepts for my story's main characters

not quite fond of them at all...

but at the time I had only just started dipping my toes into digital art