14 / 38
Mar 2024

Blue Fedora:
"Batman Animated Series how to pirate"
"Large hats for women-cheap"
"how to build an electromagnet"
"Batman memes"

"Is Edible Arrangements Kosher?"
"dance moves every performer should know"
"workout recovery-fast"
"Google translate-English to German"

@Leyelle first of all, what type of carcinogenic medication is Kattar taking to make him so worried, second of all, I have a feeling someone here really likes princess books, idk why I got that vibe tho

@pjthetoonaddict are the hats cheap, or the women cheap? Or both?

-bug facts
-how to catch the laser

-cooking videos
-top ten fights in mma

-lectures in physics
-is the Nokia phone capable of withstanding black holes

Underground Dawn maps
Maps of Dawn
Ancient history of Dawn
Vampire skulls
How do I find vampires?

Skully (he’s a skull so he can’t actually search for anything but let’s assume Ellie typed it in for him):
Latest swear words

Homemade pasta recipe
Carrot cake recipe
How do I get my roommate to move out
Best ways to get rid of roommate
Bagel recipe

Smokey eye make-up tutorial
How do I turn on the stove?
Where to buy cute hats
Is my brother depressed?
How to cheer up people

How to murder an immortal.
Is murdering an immortal illegal?
How long i will stay in jail for killing a mortal?
Best wine in town.
How to make money fast.
Pretty hairpin for girls.

Apple sweets recipes
Asian garden suggestion
Peach and cherry trees
Is my friend trying to murder is granny (an immortal)?

6 months later

New fashion trends that aren't weird.
How many parts of the brain are there?
How to tell if someone hates you.
How to tell if a boy likes you.
How to stab someone and make it look like an accident.
Brownie recipes.
Inspirational quotes that aren't corny

Best cooking pots and pans
How to help someone you feel is not okay without being obvious
Date places to take a girl that doesn't look like a date
Recipes with meat

True the plot related ones do sound cool but ended up staying in-character. Networks are down so no browsing for these boys, so here's some from back when things were normal:

Owen Moriarty

How to beat 'That boss' in 'that current videogame'
How to get 'That item' in 'said videogame'
Carnotaurus action figure
How to draw therizinosaurus
Wrestling warriors Season Finale
Mr. Patchez wrestling warriors season finale
Mr. Patchez arrest
Mr. Patchez is innocent
Warriors Expo
Will Mr. Patchez be in Warriors expo?
Crimson Panda (Rowan Ostby) new movie trailer
Rowan Ostby vs Cameron, wrestler vs stuntman challenge (on the TOOB)
80's rock music mix
How to record videos the right way
How to edit videos on 'that free Movie maker that came with his laptop'
How to get more viewers on your vlog

Evan Moriarty:

Fix car door seal
Guitar strings
Guitar replacement knobs
Temporary hair dye Greensmart
How to edit vocals and tracks in 'music software'
'new music software' torrent
Nsfw stuff related to his um... side hustle
Shoegaze Lo-fi mix
How to cover up cigarette breath?
Cartoons and videos on the TOOB (to keep his 5 year old brother Neon distracted)

How to cook macaroni?
When do I put in the cheese for macaroni?
How to put out a kitchen fire?
What if the kitchen burns?
How to fix a burnt kitchen?

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@Cass shaking side to side at a place called Midnight Salute XD :money_with_wings: :dancers:

But sometimes those 'other previously mentioned angles' with late night revelers too lol

Oh so he's a "dancer"? I HAVE to read now.

Well we can't all get what we want. So we leave it to the imagination. It's great in our heads, ain't it?

@Cass Jackpot! And other stuff implied too XD
Started getting more apparent in latest episode, as this fella can't help but call a 'tree' a 'tree' XD
Yep true agreed, its great in our heads the cool stuff we can do with imagination :thumbsup:

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