32 / 38
Oct 2024

How to cook macaroni?
When do I put in the cheese for macaroni?
How to put out a kitchen fire?
What if the kitchen burns?
How to fix a burnt kitchen?

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

@Cass shaking side to side at a place called Midnight Salute XD :money_with_wings: :dancers:

But sometimes those 'other previously mentioned angles' with late night revelers too lol

Oh so he's a "dancer"? I HAVE to read now.

Well we can't all get what we want. So we leave it to the imagination. It's great in our heads, ain't it?

@Cass Jackpot! And other stuff implied too XD
Started getting more apparent in latest episode, as this fella can't help but call a 'tree' a 'tree' XD
Yep true agreed, its great in our heads the cool stuff we can do with imagination :thumbsup:

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Ha! I've just started reading it and I'm on the second episode. It feels I'm playing a video game! Very intriguing.

A "tree" a "tree" is CRAZYYY. XD. (TBH I'd call him out too. I'd be like "You gon' hope up there and give me a little twirl.")

That's CRAZY!!!!:joy: :joy:

"Men's clothing-Extra Tall"
"Pirate movies and video games"
"JJK Season 2"
"Defense Attorneys near me"
-Cly is a hacker/computer wiz, so he probably has a LOT more lol

"Harry Houdini Escape tricks"
"Magician props-New/Used"
"How to sew a cape with pockets"

I can't believe I JUST saw this message. Kattar is on codeine for his back pain, and it's having a lot of less than pleasant effects and he's worried it might cause long term damage

Mora's search history:
The best YA novels of 20xx
What makeup brand carries the darkest shade of foundation?
Fenty Beauty
Tips for covering your vitiligo with makeup
black hair dye
How long will it take people to die if bitten by paralyzing venom?

Christopher George's search history:
best new animes
best new animes of 20xx
best new video games of 20xx
How to draw (insert anime character) drawing tutorial
how to draw women's faces
how to be a good host when your parents have taken on a foster kid

"How to decimate my enemies"
"How to explode the sun"
"my back is killing me help"
"beanie babies"
"i dont know how to flirt"
"satan is haunting me in my dreams help me"
"baby musical rhyme lyrics"
"how to escape prison"
"dating advice QUICK"

"sidekick tips"
"free comics"
"best horror movies 90s"
"tips to kick some butt"
"how to kick butt"
"mom is embarassing me help"
"motorbike fix"
"best ways to avoid killer assassins"
"how to become a badass"

Ooh I really like this one.

Some of these won't make sense until future episodes, but
How do I get my crush to like me?
Best pickup lines
Princess of the Desert (the show she watches) best moments
Easy things to crochet for free

Is Dante a nice person?
Portals to Inferno near me
Coolest skateboarding tricks

Google Maps
Why does Google Maps never work?
Cheap fitness watches for sale
Places to hike near me

Coolest cowboy hats
Cowboy hats for sale
Why does ma cowboy hat keep disappearin'?
Where do ma cowboy hats go when they disappear?

Go on walks with me

How do I teach my sister to use google properly?
New beds for sale

Do you know where mummy is? I can't find her

How do I tell if someone likes me?
Best places to sell my binder
How do I tell people I'm a ghost without sounding weird?
Best places to sell my art online

Coolest Kpop moments
Old Kpop bands
History of Kpop
Most famous Kpop artist
How do I get back to inferno

Thanks friend, most thankful to hear it sound like a videogame :pray:
Yep don't be fooled by Ev's polite behavior around his lil bro,
and you're right that comeback sounds exactly like something he'd say :joy:
Raffa's response :arrow_down:

:wolf: Raffa:

"Hmph, a twirl you say?! Nah it's much comfy down here.
I'd rather stomp and flatten you out!"

Speakin of search history

1) How do you convince your BFF to stop losing focus on the mission
2) How do you convince 'said BFF' to dump his chaotic boyfriend (Evan XD)
3) How to maintain your wolf paws
4) Animal hunting videos (mostly wolves)
5) Tutorial for applying henna tattoos on face and head
6) properties of gas and vapor/ vs temperature and natural forces


1) How to convince your BFF to accept your protégé
2) How to ask said protégé to be your boyfriend
3) How to clean monster goop from my van's undercarriage
4) EDM and HipHop music mix
5) Midnight Salute online website & socials (tasked with monitoring updates as club manager)
6) Corresponding to his followers on Instagram and other socials (he's also a fitness model)
7) Tutorials on hot new dance moves


1) Easiest way to remove handcuffs
2) Why did my color blindness become temporarily cured?
3) How far can I be in order to infect someone
4) Gunnhildr Highschool Principal

I haven't met Raffa and Xun yet! I just finished the I'm A Stranded Boy part. You mean to tell me that giant wolf is Raffa?!?