16 / 120
Apr 2022

The way the manga started off? Chefs kiss.
It was intriguing, it was interesting, it gave off some Dr.Stone+Jojo vibes which is just great. Good job with that!
I did end up reading the first part and it was very eye-catching as well, I was really sucked into it during the last bit.

I also took a quick glance at the art style from when you first started to now at there are some big improvements which I think might be the best part. There's nothing like seeing art improve as you read it.

You're already doing really good on tapas, so just keep doing what you're doing and you should get far! Good work!

Great, here's mine if you're interested:

Its Genre is based on Fantasy, Action, Exposition, and lore.

The comic is about a boy who is born and live in a harsh land filled with conflicts, and corruption and he will forge his own destiny to become a great man and the goal to unite the factions of Araby but to accomplish this he must many challenges ahead of him.

So far, the prologue is done, and it is currently in its first chapter.

Off the bat, descriptive words? Right on point. It sets a nice clear image in my head on what everything looks like and I thoroughly enjoy that. I like how while I was reading, the title started to click in my head and then so many questions started to pop up lol. Like "how is this gonna work? What about his fiancee? Wait I just remembered the summary"

On top of that, the writing is pretty good! Not many, if there are any at all, noticeable grammar or spelling mistakes and it truly does feel like what university could be like. I love it! Definitely will be subbing :blush:

Here's mine.
It's a comedy comic. But it had a lot of episodes. I mean...A LOT. 370 episodes currently.
The early art style is a lot different than now. I suggest at least read 50 to 100 episodes if you want to review the art part.
If you want to tell about the story. you'll have idea under 50 episodes. Sounds a lot but trust me it actually won't take too long.

Well, here is my webcomic, I hope you like it.
I think is not necessary to mention the art improvement in later episodes, also you will find a gimmick that I added since chapter 6 :sweat_smile:

Here is the synopsis: When your loved ones are involved in a dangerous situation is when decisions play a big role in the world's safety. But can love save the world? Or will it bring destruction?

(You don't have to read much of it. There's a lot of posts, and it's impressive how many you've been able to respond to this quickly)

Novel: One giant leap for man, an even bigger leap for mankind, follow the Celestion-5, a crew of inexperienced astronauts, on their journey to Neptune! All of them are slightly odd enough to spice things up with lighthearted fun and maybe a little drama. It's a long journey, giving the crew enough time to sort out their personal baggage and learn how to understand one another. Updates every day at 9:00 AM PST!

I just have one word to say...wow. The prologue was a perfect entrance that captivated me the moment I read it. I read the the update after the prologue and just sat here thinking "Wait they were real chains? I though they were mental... They were REAL?"

100% going into the list of books I will read once I finish the others. 10/10 and will probably recommend!

Thank you for the offer. You can be as harsh as you want. I don't mind.^^ (Actually, I don't care anymore, but that sounds kinda depressing. :sweat_02:) There isn't much going on right now, so read as far as you want.

Genre: Drama, Slice of Life

Summary:Meet Olivia Jones, who has, after moving to the City of New Conda Bell, not only to deal with her everyday School life but also the strange events she encounters.

Both of these comics are very cute, especially Lisanne's Magic! It's pretty funny and easily puts a smile on my face, good job!

I really like the art style, it looks natural and I really like that. I don't know if it's just me or not but I was a bit confused on some of the things that were happening and then eventually connected the dots, but otherwise from what I've read it seems like a very interesting web comic! Lots of others feel the same way too which is amazing! Obviously there are a lot of people who are pretty into your story and that is great, so just keep up the great work :))

Omg thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it! :smiley_cat:

I've actually finished writing this story already but not all chapters are published yet. Let me know what you think once you get to reading the rest! :see_no_evil:

Give mine a shot! We just finished the Dodgeball Arc!

Description: Naota Nakaoka was just your typical harem hearthrob until his life was cut short. Now he's been reincarnated .... as a stick figure. How will he be able to rebuild his harem in a world where where anime tropes (and faces) don't exist??? Find out in That Stick Figure Isekai!!! Episodes every Friday!