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May 2024

ill start first with a quote from my next scheduled episode. "I inspected the blackened dagger that i had made out of my own mana, it had a serrated edge and the handle had a series of complex patterns etched into it. This was the manifestation of my anger and mana mixed into one."

the novel is called ocean dwellers and you can find it here.

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    May '24
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    May '24
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I’m not hungry, but not eating would make things even more awkward than they already are.

For some reason, just the word ‘ravioli’ is ridiculously stupid right now. I have a strong urge to ignore the waiter and order nothing - but I force the words out - a stronger urge to overturn my plate, shove it onto the floor, or throw it against the wall like a spoiled toddler - but instead I rub my hand over my bare knees and wish, vaguely, that I’d worn stockings.

This chill is unbearable.

I can’t even think what to say, and Kattar is no help - sitting dazedly with his hand on his head.

Today, at the very least, I know whatever is going on has little to do with strangers. There’s no one else in the restaurant but the staff and an elderly couple, more or less in the same state of nervous decay as the two of us. The husband with a walker - the woman with trembling hands.

“That Terry shrew!” complained Alabow. He looked at Besh and stood. “She all but bit my head off. Both last night and this morning. A Pope goes where a Pope goes. I mean, really! She must be part Tappish with such incisors. I gave her a nice room, and now she wants to move out.”

As the Pope paced angrily, Besh and Sposh waited in wary patience. The Pope stamped back and forth and suddenly stopped. Turning, and calling at the top of his voice, startling not only Sposh and Besh but the guards, as well.

“Box!” yelled the Pope. “Box! Get in here!”

The old Widgin came at a trot as he buttoned his jacket. He ran straight to the book on the pedestal and stood at attention. He coughed and answered, “At your command.”

Alabow stood before his throne, arms akimbo. “Look up, perv.”

The elder Widgin placed spectacles on his blunt nose, coughed, and thumbed through the tome. He stopped and leaned close. “Ah, well,” he said. “There is no perv.”

The Pope threw up his hands and sat heavily in the cushioned throne. He spoke in obvious bewilderment. “Does she speak in code?”

Besh raised his hand and cleared his throat. “Perv is short for pervert.”

Bread Box leaned into the tome. “Ah, yes,” he said. “Pervert. A person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.”

The Pope stood and yelled, “What? Sexual behavior? I only stood in the door and spoke.”

Besh spoke up. “Women can be very sensitive and easily offended. I advise extreme caution.”

Chapter 21 of "Lyra's Magnum Opus":
"The song gave the feeling of being on a boat on a river, laid there looking at the endless stars, lazily drifting in a summer night with fireflies all around. I couldn't name this feeling, but it was the most beautiful, contented feeling in the world."